This reminds me of something that happened at work a while back. This maybe won't translate too well, ie, isn't funny, but sod you, i'm telling you.
We had a work experience girl in, who was really nice, her Nan worked for us, that's why she came to our hell hole of a workplace. It was her last day, and somebody bought a card, one those 'Goodbye jobbies'. At the same time, a fella who'd worked with us for years was leaving on the same day, youngish fella, late 20's, the sporty type, y'know.
We had this bloke in the office, not the brightest spark, Stan, and the fact that two cards were going 'round the office obviously was too much to handle, by the time they came to me, to write my usual "All the best, take care, JWP." the card for the young girl had a message from Stan that read,
"Our loss is Real Madrids gain, all the best fella."
Whilst his card read,
" Look after your Nan, she thinks the world of you."
It's the only time, ever, than anything in one of those card has tickled me, and man alive, people do try to put funny stuff in those kind of cards at times. |