Paul Youane wrote:SEB:
is you scoring system fundamentally flawed as it suggests Vinnie Anderson had a decent game last week whilst it has been widely reported on here by all and sundry that he was rubbish. Your stats also suggest that Higham has been our most consistent performer this year to date whilst Rogues Gallery has proved he's been crap and not a patch on Riddell Wigan (who even Wigan fans acknowledge has been a disappointment to date - although that may be due to expecting too much).
Or do you think that your scoring system suggests that people only see what they want to see?
Oh sorry I must have dreamt this ?
• Sinners (Missed tackles + Errors + Penalties + Cards)
• Vinnie Anderson 35
• Adrian Morley 29
• Mick Higham 27
• Ben Harrison 22
• Chris Riley 21