Quote ="JWP"How boring a hobby must that be ? I mean, if you spot trains, yeah it's dull, but there must be loads of 'em, and I guess if that's what you like and you shoot your muck over an intercity that's rare or whatever then, cool I guess.
Penny spotting, you must be like, Kevin - check, I've got him, Lee - Check, Penny Smith from GMTV - Check, Penny Crayon - Does she count ? Not sure, I'll buy a DVD anyhow just to make sure I've got the set. And, that's me done I think. Enjoyed that hobby.
Oh well, I'll have to go to Owens's's and get Part 1 at a special Introductary price of £1.99 usual RRP of £6.99 and I too could build my own Harrier Jumpjet out of matches. Part 1 comes with a ringbinder & a Highland or Irn-Bru chew bar.'"
You're no stranger to the bridge by Bank Quay are you, fiddling furiously under cover of dusk when 'the big one' pulls in. No pun intended. Or indeed exercised.
Do they still make Highland Toffee bars? Guaranteed to make your teeth feel a little more loose than when you started.
Cull left at HT, for anyone that is interested.