Quote ="fes"OK - looking for SENSIBLE suggestions here - please.
I'm a middle aged bloke who jogs.
I ran past a bunch of youths (10 or so 16 year olds) who started swearing at me for no reason in front of younger children.
I told them to stop, but one 'herbert' told me where to go in no uncertain terms and continued his tirade.
Do you
(a) ignore it
(b) kick the s4>@ out of him
(c) get a photo of him, find out where he lives and drop his parents a letter with photos
(d) tell the police and hand over the photos/name/address
I live in a very middle class village/town and this has never happened to me before.
At the time I felt like (b), but I would have probably ended up on a charge.
So I'm in the process of doing (d) and asking the police to confirm what they have done - or giving them the option of me sending the letter after letting them read it.
What the h3ll do you do with youths like that?'"
There is not much you can do, a clip round the ear would probably have had the most positive effect but you a likely to get a roasting from the police.
I have tried to intervene in similar situations and you find that your righteous anger is wasted. I once stopped this fella slapping his girlfriend in broad daylight in Hyde park in Leeds, may asked me if a wanted a fight and she looked like she was going to fill me in also. They then walked off together.
Again if you go to their parents they probably won't believe you and will want to duff yu up
The only option is to contact the police but it must be quite a pathetic offense compared some things that go on