Quote ="HJ Bird"Would [iyou[/i have chanced it with 10 or so other of his chav mates ready to jump in? I say chavs as a sweeping generalisation, but I highly doubt they were on their way home from a cheese and wine evening. As another poster has pointed out, it could potentially have 'Gary Newlove' written all over it.
The sad fact is had it happened to me, the option I probably would have taken would have been to ignore it or ring the police and report a disturbance but only if you were damn sure you weren't going to see these scrotes again. I've unfortunately been witness to an extremely violent attack by a gang of mickeyed up chavs in the past, it's made me very wary of approaching situations like that again.'"
I'm not saying I definitely would or wouldn't, it would be highly dependent on my mood at the time. Having limited experience of this, when you face the mouthy one down, they all cower. Now this is going to reek of bravado, but it is not my intention, it all comes down to whether you think you can handle yourself. I guess it comes down to my intolerance of why the decent people in this country should have to tred on eggshells, whilst going about minding their own business.
Conversely, it is sometimes best to walk away.