Slugger McBatt wrote:The RFU had much grander plans for Farrell than what transpired.
Harris did well early on, but the consensus in Welsh RU is that he was brought on too soon, and thus failed (a failure of Welsh RU, not Harris).
Pryce and Walker beat a hasty retreat back to League.
Ashton was an okay full-back. One of the last appearances he made in league was at Belle Vue, when he bottled tackling Moore and took out the support player off the ball instead. He was derided at Wigan in his final year, as I remember, for developing a superstar attitude on the back of one decent season. He was not, and never became anywhere near., Kris Radlinksi. Myler did okay at Salford, which is no great tribute. If these average players are excelling at union, maybe it says more about union than league.
To play down the achievements of Faz and Harris is just daft. And totally incorrect.
Pryce never made it he really struggled.
Walker was as England A international.
Ashton was very good for Wigan untill he signed for Northampton after which point he had no interest.
Myler has a better pedigree than Brough at the same age in League.
Union have a much larger selection pool and it is a very different game. To dismiss the achievements of these lads is in my opinion very disrespectfull to them and born of ignorance.
Most League fans do not rate there achievements as it suits there agenda.
Faz was in a car crash and out of the game for 18 months but still became an England international.
Very few failed/have failed but it does not suit the League fans agenda to recognise this.