Quote Sheldon="Sheldon"Clint Newton - 2012/13?
Michael Vella - 2011
Ben Fisher - 2011
Jake Webster - 2010
Michael Dobson - 2010
Ben Galea - 2010
Daniel Fitzhenry - 2009
Rhys Lovegrove - 2009
Makali Aizue - 2009
Stanley Gene - 2009
is that overseas signings done then? or can fisher and/or vella get the dispensation for being in the sl since a certain time?'"
As far as I understand it any player that had a SL contract pre Jan 2008 could on renewal apply and be granted fed trained status which would mean that Clint is now fed trained if he so wished and in fact the only player on our books that isn't applicable is Dobson.
This ruling stays with the player even if they change clubs after they have been granted the fed trained status.
And btw I dont like it but that is how I belive it works.