HOMER2355 wrote:oh give it rest have you really wrote that. i take it you have never played RL have you.
to call it criminal is a joke and im embarrased for you. it was a fair tackle and unless he gets cited for it im right if he does im wrong and stand corrected.
as for the chanting i have to agree i said at the time i thought it was out of order, but did wonder if he was that hurt by ot why he stayed on the pitch for so long. but you are right its not right imo.
Not that it really matters but yes Ive played RL I have played against Constable St. and Endyke in the under 19s and BOCM and NDLB open age
from your area now what does that prove? nothing eh.
Fair tackle course it was
And finally we come to the crunch. You must be one of the decent fans what didnt cheer then. Didnt hurt either to admit it was wrong I bet