Does anyone know where I can find out how many people are playing the game in NZ (particularly at junior level)?
I've tried the NZRL site but it's useless. Are there any articles that have mentioned it, even vaguely? I need it for my study. Thanks to anyone that can help.
I'm not sure this qualifies for an "only". NZ's population is approx 3m. Assume 1.5m men. Assume an average lifespan of 80 and there'll be roughly 25% of those men in the 18-38 age bracket who might be playing RL (if you exclude schools). Which is 375,000 men of RL-playing age. So 4.8% of the likely population are playing RL, or nearly 1 in every 20 men of that age bracket plays RL. In the UK, with a population of 60m, we'd need 20 times their number to have the same proportion. That'd be 360,000 men playing, excluding schools. I don't think we have that sort of stat.
I might be wrong though.
I'll go hang my anorak up now.
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Roy Haggerty wrote:I'm not sure this qualifies for an "only". NZ's population is approx 3m. Assume 1.5m men. Assume an average lifespan of 80 and there'll be roughly 25% of those men in the 18-38 age bracket who might be playing RL (if you exclude schools). Which is 375,000 men of RL-playing age. So 4.8% of the likely population are playing RL, or nearly 1 in every 20 men of that age bracket plays RL. In the UK, with a population of 60m, we'd need 20 times their number to have the same proportion. That'd be 360,000 men playing, excluding schools. I don't think we have that sort of stat.
I might be wrong though.
I'll go hang my anorak up now.
Not just men, excluding players who play through their school.
Joined: Mar 09 2004 Posts: 33944 Location: watching out for low flying geese
Roy Haggerty wrote:I'm not sure this qualifies for an "only". NZ's population is approx 3m. Assume 1.5m men. Assume an average lifespan of 80 and there'll be roughly 25% of those men in the 18-38 age bracket who might be playing RL (if you exclude schools). Which is 375,000 men of RL-playing age. So 4.8% of the likely population are playing RL, or nearly 1 in every 20 men of that age bracket plays RL. In the UK, with a population of 60m, we'd need 20 times their number to have the same proportion. That'd be 360,000 men playing, excluding schools. I don't think we have that sort of stat.
I might be wrong though.
I'll go hang my anorak up now.
Rugby union yes League no where near
kcab sfrawdder
Luck is a combination of preparation and opportunity
Just to avoid confusion Starbug is the username of Steven Pike
SOMEBODY SAID that it couldn’t be done But he with a chuckle replied That “maybe it couldn’t,” but he would be one Who wouldn’t say so till he’d tried. So he buckled right in with the trace of a grin On his face. If he worried he hid it. He started to sing as he tackled the thing That couldn’t be done, and he did it!
roughyedspud wrote:the SPARC report puts the figure @ 17,000...down from 30-40,000 in the 1990's
Reading through the report (which makes quite depressive reading might I add, the NZRL is poorly run by the looks of things!), the number of REGISTERED players is just under 17,000. That's ALL registered players, Roy, not just men in the 18-36 bracket. In comparison to other sports in NZ, it is very low. Soccer (128k) and RU (130k) dwarf it.
The 90s figure used different (and poor) methods of calculation to work out the number, apparently counting some people twice and using over-zealous methods of multiplying. It is an increase from 2007, but there has been a steady decline between 2002-2007 apparently.
The NZRL needs a complete overhall. If it wasn't for Australia, NZ would be sh*t on the international stage. And they pretty much admit that in their review.
Shocking for a nation that is the World Champions.
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