Quote Vicenzo="Vicenzo"Absolutely bang on from Barnacle Bill. Mind you, don't expect anybody to believe you or Duffen!
The KC is a Community Stadium which is managed in total by SMC which makes all the decisions as to usage outside of the normal tenants requirements...FACT!
I honestly don'tthink PD could give a monkeys s*it about a so called "guaranteed sellout" in the light of the fact that Hull City's games bring more revenue into the SMC than a one off possible sell out. Are you telling me that if the game was against anyone but Australia it would still sell out. History proves otherwise. If you don't believe what PD said then tough! I do!'"
One thing you are not considering is, it would not reduce the numebr of City games.
Hull City being in the premiership brings them in revenue through TV rights etc. I would estimate (before someone comes on and diss's this, please not the word [iestimate [/i

) that as a stand alone, revenue generating event, a home game for City would generate somewhere in the region of £750k (thats based on an average spend of £30 for every single person in a 25000 gate).
On the basis that the tickets alone for an RL test would be £30, I think it would genereate a very similar total figure.
All of which is irrelevant as one the event has done enough to cover the rental of the stadium, the SMC wouldn't care less.