Quote Northern Boys="Northern Boys"couldn't agree more mate,platt is a loose cannon,and sykes isn't a centre but an out and out full-back,can't macca even spot this?
what would we give to have mumby playing now for the side?'"
I think part of the answer might be that Im not sure if Paul Sykes thinks Paul Sykes' best position is full back. (did he not start out as a stand off??)
He can play full back, has played there, and can do it quite well. But he's still not a top drawer full back if you ask me, much like Reardon looked good there in spells. We also need Sykes in the at the moment more than we need him at FB IMO.
I also think Platt did not do as bad as some people are making out. Like has been said he made three obvious errors, but the fans are looking for them to pounce on and they get highlighted, rightly or wrongly (Im as guilty of this as anyone). His work rate was good and he did look to support the ball but all too often it never got that far, there were plenty of occations of Platt running through the line but the ball never being released.
Having said all that, Im not sure if Platt, Sykes or Halley are the best answer for full back, but they are our options for this year and they will all suffer in comparason to a very long spell of the club having superb full backs.