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Home Leeds Rhinos 178 (wif 122 missin') Reasons whuffo' Leeds will beat Manly

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 Post subject: 178 (wif 122 missin') Reasons whuffo' Leeds will beat Manly
PostPosted: Wed Feb 11, 2009 7:39 pm 
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1 - 108 Reasons whuffo' Leeds will beat Manly fo' th' WCC -

109 - 178 Reasons whuffo' Leeds will beat Manly fo' th' WCC -

1. Sea Eagles gots'ta plum fall apart likes Ray Von’s Bin'o Machine on Phoenix Nights
2. Leeds gots'ta snatch deir time t'trust in McClennan’s game plan and archive wo'ld club infinity
3. Stop Jamie Lyon and ya' stop Manly Sea Eagles
4. Leeds Rhinos is de only team in de wo'ld where spectato's jizz in deir pants when watchin' dem
5. De Breeze plum won’t be right fo' Manly sea Eagle’s players t'play in
6. Dis win upside Manly gots'ta cap off some lovely climax fo' whut gots been an amazin' two years wid many mo'e Tacoma
7. Leeds gots'ta come out uh dis match as de best eva' rugby league club side t'play de game afta' whup'in' Manly Sea Eagles
8. Rob Burrow isn’t da damn only dreat on de Leeds side
9. Matt Orfo'd gots'ta regret fo'gettin' Danny McGuire
10. Leeds gots'ta sin' (own version) de crib club classic “Let me whup' ya' fo' tonight” and dat gots'ta plum cripple Manly
11. Jamie Lyon left St Helens likes Rin'o Starr left Liverpool howeva' where Rin'o dun didn’t let Liverpool waaay down Jamie Lyon gots'ta do fo' saints by playin' rubbish in de WCC
12. Kevin Sinfield (captainin' Leeds t'oda' WCC wins) be livin' proof dat Leeds gots'ta whup' Manly in de wo'ld club challenge
13. It gots'ta be some very long and lonesome night fo' Manly’s group uh individuals and who is not some team
14. Manly gots'ta lose demselves when defendin' against da damn undependable Leeds attack
15. Leeds gots'ta touch de try line so's many times against Manly
16. De match gots'ta be nodin' but misery business fo' Manly 17. Rob Burrow and Danny McGuire gots'ta plum set everyone down fo' some try against Manly
18. Nodin' compares t'Leeds attack and dat includes Manly’s defence
19. On nights likes dese Leeds win anyways
20. Dis be Australian Rugby Leagues last chance t'brin' pride back into de nashun and dey gots'ta ruin it danks t'de brilliance dat be Leeds Rhinos
21. Danny McGuire gots'ta sco'e against Manly upside and upside again
22. Leeds is de wizards uh rugby league
23. Manly’s attack gots'ta be too easily eyeball by Leeds defence
24. Leeds don’t lose in wo'ld club challenges unlikes Manly
25. Rugby League still hasn’t found whut its lookin' fo' - back t'back wo'ld club challenge winners and it gots'ta be found in dis match
26. Losin' be whut ya' dig when yo' playin' against Leeds Rhinos
27. Doodads gots'ta plum simply go Leeds way against Manly
28. Nodin' gots'ta wo'k out right fo' Manly against Leeds
29. Jamie Lyon be no longa' capable sco'in' fedora tricks against Leeds
30. Manly kin cut Leeds de game uh deir lives and Leeds gots'ta still mosey on down out on top
31. Leeds gots'ta be Tub Dumpin' Manly dat night
32. Leeds previously undiscovered class gots'ta be discovered against Manly where da damn class gots'ta reach previously unrapped levels uh class in spo't droughout
33. It gots'ta be Leeds who do de walk uh champions and not Manly dat night
34. De wo'ld club trophy and Leeds belong togeda' and shall remain togeda'
35. It gots'ta be some case uh welcome t'de Rhino’s parade when Manly mosey on down to town
36. Leeds gots mosey on down around t'de wo'ld club challenge again and it gots'ta be won by Leeds again
37. Manly Sea Eagles is plain compared t'de wonderful Leeds Rhinos
38. Manly is de new (I wuzn’t alive t'rememba' dem in de 80s) and hopeless team in de WCC
39. Manly Sea Eagles gots lost da damn playa' who could play on Elland Roads boozelogged pitches by drowin' him t'Bradfo'd Bulls
40. Orfo'd might snatch his game t'de next level in de NRL but he gots'ta be no where close when it comes t'playin' de Rhinos
41. Tony Williams been fit fo' de WCC be nodin' t'cream about likes dey do on Silvertails Fo'ums
42. De win upside Melbourne in de 08 NRL GF wuz all luck likes Leeds win upside St Helens in 07 SL GF meanin' dat Manly’s luck be all about t'end by some proven class team likes Leeds who should gots been playin' Melbourne dis year
43. Manly is lucky dat da damn WCC be been held in England cuz' Leeds is so betta' suited t'de Australian heat dan Manly are
44. Chris Wilson uh de Sunday Telegraph even makes missnatch'd about Manly which proves Manly’s creditability t'stand out when dey actually win sump'n unlikes Leeds who is unmissnatchable
45. Des Hasla' has reso'ted t'gettin' de lads t'snatch part in intensive trainin' sessions fo' de WCC dat gots'ta turn out t'be some wuzte uh time meanwhile Greg Eastwood gots been relaxin' feedin' da bud hotdogs
46. 400 metre powa' sprints in trainin' won’t be enough t'catch Danny McGuire
47. Matt Ballin be clearly shittin' himself at da damn prospect uh facin' Danny Buderus in de WCC
48. Leroy Reilly be goin' t'regret da damn decision t'let some bunch uh convicts in his place when Manly lose against Leeds fo' de Wo'ld Club Challenge
49. Des Hasla' gots'ta find out how upside rated his Eagles is when deir lose against Leeds
50. Versatility be a term dat duz not fit into Manly who is a one dimensional team
51. Josh Perry gots'ta talk de snatch but won’t walk de walk when facin' Kylie
52. Leeds toughness / fitness levels gots'ta get dem crib in de second half plum likes Manly dun did wid Melbourne but dis time da damn kicker be on de oda' foot cuz' Leeds is betta'
53. Now dat Tony Archa' isn’t refereein' de WCC Leeds gots'ta win fair and square cuz' dey won’t be some co'rupt Aussie Official in de middle likes dey wuz in de wo'ld cup
54. Dey gots'ta be no repeat uh Grand Final reply spectacle in Australia when it’s de WCC cuz' Leeds gots'ta win meanin' it gots'ta only be some empty crib! Right on!
55. De Premiership Supuh' coach gots'ta be 'esposed as some fraud when Manly dig slaughtered by Leeds
56. Leeds gots'ta Massacre Manly
57. Leeds brute fo'ce gots'ta intimidate Manly’s style uh play
58. De Physical assault fum manly be non 'esistent makin' dem soft cocks
59. Leeds do not gots droll fo'ward pack likes Manly fans seem t'dink - we gots some versatility pack 60. Leeds Rhinos is all about creatin' histo'y unlikes de retirin' Manly pack who live off past glo'y’s
61. Nodin' gots'ta spoil Jamie Jones Buchannan’s testimonial year where he gots'ta be inspirashunal in some reco'd bustin' season fo' Leeds Rhinos includin' de WCC against Manly
62. Bluey gots not plans t'lose at Elland Road anytime soon as some coach
63. Graham Eadie isn’t dey t'sco'e points fo' Manly no mo' and hasn’t been fo' years
64. Statistically Manly is mo'e likesly t'become runners down in some big game wid plum seven Premiership titles and ten times runners down.
65. Des Hasla' is no longa' on de field playin' fo' ya' and be instead on de sidelines
66. Its Leeds Rhinos who is playin' in dis WCC and not St Helens! Right on!
67. De maroon and honky gots'ta turn t'black afta' attempts t'tackle da damn great Leeds Rhinos
68. Manly gots'ta be some lost cause by de 70d minute meanin' Leeds gots'ta let six players rest on de bench whilst 11 snatch on de laughable 13 dat Manly gots'ta still gots on de pitch
69. Brett Stewart be no match fo' Lee Smid o' Brent Webb
70. Manly is de great pretenders uh Australian Rugby League
71. Manly’s players gots'ta be in hot booze when playin' against Leeds fo' de WCC
72. Some uh de arrogant posts on Manly Sea Eagles official fo'ms alone gots'ta motivate Leeds t'bear dem fo' de WCC
73. Manly Fans should avoid some rip off trip t'England t'watched deir team dig slobba' knocked
74. Dis be a once in some lifetime chance fo' Manly and dey gots'ta epically blow it! Right on!
75. Brian McClennan wuz been sarcastic when he said Manly is a fo'midable outfit and ooze class droughout deir side
76. Manly is only in de UK early t'avoid deir nosey fans who arrive at da damn trainin' ground uninvited all de time - not t'cut dem de best preparashun dat wuz some false flag statement by Des Hasler
77. Manly Sea Eagles is as blind as honkyfools kin be
78. Leeds Rhinos is partners wid Soud Sydney meanin' we gots'ta win dis game fo' dem as much as fo' demselves
79. Manly is de Manly boys but dey won’t gots some win dis day against Leeds Rhinos
80. De Garden Gnomes in Leeds is a lot richa' dan dey is in Manly
81. Waaay down de unsightly Sea Eagles, chants de barmy army wid no Manly fans t'be seen
82. Manly gots'ta be waltzin' behind Leeds at da damn Wo'ld Club Challenge
83. Manly won’t be hangin' de Eagal rock but gots'ta be bough waaay down by de rock dat be Leeds Rhinos
84. Leeds gots'ta brin' Manly waaay down t'deir knee’s cuz' unlikes Soud’s Leeds kin play in deir own backyard
85. Leeds gots'ta be da damn rockers at da damn end uh dis game and not Manly
86. A team photo uh Manly be a po'trait uh losers
87. Manly might be 2008 Premiers but Leeds Rhinos is de mo'e respectable Supuh' League champions 88. Leeds gots'ta prove too hardco'e fo' Manly
89. De only doodad bod teams gots in common be dey kin bod whup' Melbourne but it stops dey cuz' Rhinos is miles betta'
90. Wo'ld Club Championship here Leeds mosey on down and win! Right on!
91. It gots'ta be da damn manly players leanin' on each oda' in pain when Leeds wid de WCC
92. Just cuz' Manly aren’t strong it duzn’t mean Leeds gots'ta be dey homeys and cut dem slack
93. De Manly effo't gots'ta be limited compared t'Leeds unlimited effo't
94. Leeds gots'ta glide skilfully drough de Manly defence
95. Manly’s gaps in defence is so big ya' could lay foundashuns fo' some warecrib dere
96. Leeds gots'ta be da damn ones playin' de fantasy rugby league on de WCC night
97. Leeds is a team dat gots capitalism in deir veins
98. Des Hasla' gots'ta leave doodads t'de Manly players t'demselves in de second half meanin' doodads gots'ta only dig wo'se fo' dem
99. Dey won’t be some time fo' Manly t'win dis game but dey gots'ta be times fo' dem t'lose it which dey gots'ta
100. Mo'e teams is whup'en by Leeds in de year dan whup'en by Manly
101. Whut Manly wants's dey gots'ta neva' get 102. Leeds 'espuh'ience Fetishism when winnin' wo'ld club challenges unlikes Manly who don’t know whut its likes
103. Leeds gots'ta be da damn side dat presents de Masochism dat Manly so's deserve
104. Stoicism gots'ta happen when Manly Sea Eagles face down t'de Leeds Rhinos
105. It gots'ta be Pandeism when Leeds play Manly likes when we played Melbourne
106. Leeds whup'in' Manly be plum Presbyterian
107. ah' have an adeist belief dat Manly gots'ta whup' Leeds
108. Leeds gots'ta simply floo' it against Manly
109. In fact Leeds gots'ta be givin' it large when playin' against Manly fo' de WCC
110. Manly not some praya' against da damn defendin' WCC Leeds Rhinos
111. De Great Australian heat wave gots'ta of sapped all uh de energy out uh de Manly players
112. Danny McGuire and Rob Burrow is de ultimate double act uh rugby league
113. Like when Tommy Coopuh' had some fatal heart attack, Manly gots'ta some series uh erro's dat da damn Sea Eagles faidful gots'ta dink be part uh de cocky showboat act dat deir team kin make erro's and win de game but it isn’t cuz' Leeds gots'ta fo'ce da damn erro's.
114. Leeds gots'ta showcase da damn secret in'redient t'whup'in' Manly in de WCC dat gots'ta prove priceless fo' its opposishun in de next NRL season
115. Secret plans is in place fo' Warrin'ah whose residents gots'ta scoff demselves t'comfo't da damn blow uh losin' t'Leeds Rhinos dat gots'ta cause da damn Sydney Suburb t'sink meanin' de whole place gots'ta be quarantined off t'stop furda' floodin'
116. Leeds gots'ta influence da damn game droughout unlikes Manly
117. Sea Eagles may sour high, but at least Rhinos don’t dig sucked into Jet engines
118. Leeds Rhinos gots'ta de betta' spells in de game dan Manly Sea Eagles
119. Manly dink dat everyone gots'ta fail t'whup' dem, but dey gotsn’t met Leeds Rhinos yet
120. Leeds Rhinos unpredictable style uh play gots'ta see dem drough de wo'ld club challenge against some very predictable Manly side
121.Manly is not da damn cure fo' Leeds Rhinos addicshun t'winnin'
123. Leeds gots'ta rampantly snatch all deir chances t'turn plays into points
124. Manly gots'ta not be liberated fum dey own half uh de field at all
125. Manly plum simply won’t be integrated as Champions by de end uh dis match cuz' Leeds won’t let dem
126. De Sea Eagles displays against De Rhinos dat night gots'ta be impoverish
127. It gots'ta be some cocktail uh class and skill dat gots'ta see Leeds win de wo'ld club challenge
128. De Rhinos gots some service t'deliva' fo' deir fans and dey gots'ta deliva'
129. De Rhinos gots'ta be noted as de pioneers uh de best style uh rugby league when playin' Sea Eagles 130. Leeds gots some lot uh hidden talent dat gots'ta finally be shown t'de rest uh de wo'ld mosey on down de WCC
131. Where Leeds kin find inspirashun Manly kin’t
132. All Manly players asses flop around likes two heavy-duty contracto'-grade yard bags full uh cream uh mushroom soup on de back uh a Fo'd Pinto rolln upside de railroad tracks by some fat Mexican goat wid some harelip
133. Manly is such baaaad losers dey gots'ta say de reason why dey lost against Leeds be a'cuz de ho'oscopes say so's
134. Manly gots'ta discova' dat Leeds is an allergy and dey gots'ta suffa' playin' against dem! Right on! 135. If it wuzn’t fo' Jamie Lyon Manly wouldn’t be wo'd even takin' on wid Leeds 1st team
136. All de Leeds players gots'ta be smilin' likes Tom Selleck afta' de game and not Manly
137. Manly gots'ta see da damn quality uh Leeds Rhinos on game day
138. De Leeds players is built fo' speed and agility unlikes Manly players
139. Manly is all teed and to'so unlikes Leeds who is much furda' dan dat
140. De Leeds attack gots'ta be somewhut too sinista' fo' Manly t'handle
141. Leeds Rhinos gots various tricks down deir sleeves unlikes Manly Sea Eagles
142. It gots'ta be da damn nightmare on Elland Road fo' Manly Sea Eagle
143. Manly should know deir role and shut deir moud 144. De Rhinos is de ones who set da damn benchmark in dis competishun
145. Leeds gots'ta de time uh deir lives slaughterin' Manly
146. Manly gots'ta simply plum drowned in Leeds weald uh class
147. Leeds gots'ta fly likes Lucy in de Sky whilst Manly gots'ta run likes pigs in de sun
148. Dey is two types uh suppo'ters in rugby league, dose dat suppo't Leeds and dose dat wish dey could
149. Whut some wuzte uh space Jamie Lyon is! Right on!
150. Manly stole way too many Soud’s players t'be some baaaad enough team t'whup' Leeds anyways 151. Leeds Rhinos is de ones dat gots'ta be rockin' all upside de wo'ld
152. A win be in de air and dat win be a Leeds win
153. Manly Sea Eagles gots'ta not be da damn ones who stop Leeds becomin' de most dominant fo'ce in de histo'y uh de wo'ld club challenge
154. Manly gots'ta rarely make it t'de opposishun half and dat includes defendin' in it also! Right on! 155. Manly is de one uh many dreamers who recon' dey kin whup' Leeds dis year
156. Even Frankie Laine duzn’t recon' in some tinka' of hope fo' Manly
157. It gots'ta be some enchanted evenin' fo' Manly in de Wo'ld Club Challenge
158. Leeds Rhinos is plum a little bit betta' dan Manly Sea Eagles
159. De winna' snatch'd it all and da damn winna' gots'ta be Leeds Rhinos
160. Everydin' wid mosey on down togeda' when Leeds play Manly fo' de WCC
161. Leeds is de best team in de wo'ld right now na na na 162. Leeds Rhinos is not lettin' go uh dat Wo'ld Club Challenge
163. Wishin' t'whup' Leeds be plum as hopeless as wishin' on some star
164. Leeds Rhinos gots'ta totally smash into Manly Sea Eagles
165. Manly when de lights go out at Elland Road ya' kin cry yo' loss den
166. Leeds Rhinos gots'ta spin Manly Sea Eagles right round
167. Even Manly’s most adletic players gots'ta lose deir bread chasin' Leeds players
168. Leeds Rhinos gots'ta come rainin' waaay down on Manly Sea Eagles parade
169. Leeds Rhinos gots'ta be Cruisin' against Manly Sea Eagles
170. Leeds duzn't gots'ta lug some bag uh useful stuff around everywhere deir go unlikes de dudette Manly players
171. Leeds Rhinos players kin be showered and eyebally in 10 minutes unlikes Manly players who snatch an age cuz' dey kin’t do much on de rugby field meanin' de whole teams livelihoods is secured drough de lucrative Aussie Rugby League Model market rada' dan drough dey shoddy 'suse uh playin' rugby league
172. Leeds Rhinos is leaders, not followers unlikes Manly Sea Eagles
173. Manly Sea Eagles lack in patience and confidence
174. Manly Sea Eagles gots'ta be lackin' in o'ganizashun against Leeds Rhinos in de WCC
175. Manly Sea Eagles do not learn fum previously done missnatch'd
176. Manly Sea Eagles gots some lack uh o'iginality and regularity
177. Manly Sea Eagles is clearly Fearin' t'go against Leeds Rhinos
178. Leeds Rhinos won’t be lackin' in ability against Manly Sea Eagles
1 - 108 Reasons whuffo' Leeds will beat Manly fo' th' WCC -

109 - 178 Reasons whuffo' Leeds will beat Manly fo' th' WCC -

1. Sea Eagles gots'ta plum fall apart likes Ray Von’s Bin'o Machine on Phoenix Nights
2. Leeds gots'ta snatch deir time t'trust in McClennan’s game plan and archive wo'ld club infinity
3. Stop Jamie Lyon and ya' stop Manly Sea Eagles
4. Leeds Rhinos is de only team in de wo'ld where spectato's jizz in deir pants when watchin' dem
5. De Breeze plum won’t be right fo' Manly sea Eagle’s players t'play in
6. Dis win upside Manly gots'ta cap off some lovely climax fo' whut gots been an amazin' two years wid many mo'e Tacoma
7. Leeds gots'ta come out uh dis match as de best eva' rugby league club side t'play de game afta' whup'in' Manly Sea Eagles
8. Rob Burrow isn’t da damn only dreat on de Leeds side
9. Matt Orfo'd gots'ta regret fo'gettin' Danny McGuire
10. Leeds gots'ta sin' (own version) de crib club classic “Let me whup' ya' fo' tonight” and dat gots'ta plum cripple Manly
11. Jamie Lyon left St Helens likes Rin'o Starr left Liverpool howeva' where Rin'o dun didn’t let Liverpool waaay down Jamie Lyon gots'ta do fo' saints by playin' rubbish in de WCC
12. Kevin Sinfield (captainin' Leeds t'oda' WCC wins) be livin' proof dat Leeds gots'ta whup' Manly in de wo'ld club challenge
13. It gots'ta be some very long and lonesome night fo' Manly’s group uh individuals and who is not some team
14. Manly gots'ta lose demselves when defendin' against da damn undependable Leeds attack
15. Leeds gots'ta touch de try line so's many times against Manly
16. De match gots'ta be nodin' but misery business fo' Manly 17. Rob Burrow and Danny McGuire gots'ta plum set everyone down fo' some try against Manly
18. Nodin' compares t'Leeds attack and dat includes Manly’s defence
19. On nights likes dese Leeds win anyways
20. Dis be Australian Rugby Leagues last chance t'brin' pride back into de nashun and dey gots'ta ruin it danks t'de brilliance dat be Leeds Rhinos
21. Danny McGuire gots'ta sco'e against Manly upside and upside again
22. Leeds is de wizards uh rugby league
23. Manly’s attack gots'ta be too easily eyeball by Leeds defence
24. Leeds don’t lose in wo'ld club challenges unlikes Manly
25. Rugby League still hasn’t found whut its lookin' fo' - back t'back wo'ld club challenge winners and it gots'ta be found in dis match
26. Losin' be whut ya' dig when yo' playin' against Leeds Rhinos
27. Doodads gots'ta plum simply go Leeds way against Manly
28. Nodin' gots'ta wo'k out right fo' Manly against Leeds
29. Jamie Lyon be no longa' capable sco'in' fedora tricks against Leeds
30. Manly kin cut Leeds de game uh deir lives and Leeds gots'ta still mosey on down out on top
31. Leeds gots'ta be Tub Dumpin' Manly dat night
32. Leeds previously undiscovered class gots'ta be discovered against Manly where da damn class gots'ta reach previously unrapped levels uh class in spo't droughout
33. It gots'ta be Leeds who do de walk uh champions and not Manly dat night
34. De wo'ld club trophy and Leeds belong togeda' and shall remain togeda'
35. It gots'ta be some case uh welcome t'de Rhino’s parade when Manly mosey on down to town
36. Leeds gots mosey on down around t'de wo'ld club challenge again and it gots'ta be won by Leeds again
37. Manly Sea Eagles is plain compared t'de wonderful Leeds Rhinos
38. Manly is de new (I wuzn’t alive t'rememba' dem in de 80s) and hopeless team in de WCC
39. Manly Sea Eagles gots lost da damn playa' who could play on Elland Roads boozelogged pitches by drowin' him t'Bradfo'd Bulls
40. Orfo'd might snatch his game t'de next level in de NRL but he gots'ta be no where close when it comes t'playin' de Rhinos
41. Tony Williams been fit fo' de WCC be nodin' t'cream about likes dey do on Silvertails Fo'ums
42. De win upside Melbourne in de 08 NRL GF wuz all luck likes Leeds win upside St Helens in 07 SL GF meanin' dat Manly’s luck be all about t'end by some proven class team likes Leeds who should gots been playin' Melbourne dis year
43. Manly is lucky dat da damn WCC be been held in England cuz' Leeds is so betta' suited t'de Australian heat dan Manly are
44. Chris Wilson uh de Sunday Telegraph even makes missnatch'd about Manly which proves Manly’s creditability t'stand out when dey actually win sump'n unlikes Leeds who is unmissnatchable
45. Des Hasla' has reso'ted t'gettin' de lads t'snatch part in intensive trainin' sessions fo' de WCC dat gots'ta turn out t'be some wuzte uh time meanwhile Greg Eastwood gots been relaxin' feedin' da bud hotdogs
46. 400 metre powa' sprints in trainin' won’t be enough t'catch Danny McGuire
47. Matt Ballin be clearly shittin' himself at da damn prospect uh facin' Danny Buderus in de WCC
48. Leroy Reilly be goin' t'regret da damn decision t'let some bunch uh convicts in his place when Manly lose against Leeds fo' de Wo'ld Club Challenge
49. Des Hasla' gots'ta find out how upside rated his Eagles is when deir lose against Leeds
50. Versatility be a term dat duz not fit into Manly who is a one dimensional team
51. Josh Perry gots'ta talk de snatch but won’t walk de walk when facin' Kylie
52. Leeds toughness / fitness levels gots'ta get dem crib in de second half plum likes Manly dun did wid Melbourne but dis time da damn kicker be on de oda' foot cuz' Leeds is betta'
53. Now dat Tony Archa' isn’t refereein' de WCC Leeds gots'ta win fair and square cuz' dey won’t be some co'rupt Aussie Official in de middle likes dey wuz in de wo'ld cup
54. Dey gots'ta be no repeat uh Grand Final reply spectacle in Australia when it’s de WCC cuz' Leeds gots'ta win meanin' it gots'ta only be some empty crib! Right on!
55. De Premiership Supuh' coach gots'ta be 'esposed as some fraud when Manly dig slaughtered by Leeds
56. Leeds gots'ta Massacre Manly
57. Leeds brute fo'ce gots'ta intimidate Manly’s style uh play
58. De Physical assault fum manly be non 'esistent makin' dem soft cocks
59. Leeds do not gots droll fo'ward pack likes Manly fans seem t'dink - we gots some versatility pack 60. Leeds Rhinos is all about creatin' histo'y unlikes de retirin' Manly pack who live off past glo'y’s
61. Nodin' gots'ta spoil Jamie Jones Buchannan’s testimonial year where he gots'ta be inspirashunal in some reco'd bustin' season fo' Leeds Rhinos includin' de WCC against Manly
62. Bluey gots not plans t'lose at Elland Road anytime soon as some coach
63. Graham Eadie isn’t dey t'sco'e points fo' Manly no mo' and hasn’t been fo' years
64. Statistically Manly is mo'e likesly t'become runners down in some big game wid plum seven Premiership titles and ten times runners down.
65. Des Hasla' is no longa' on de field playin' fo' ya' and be instead on de sidelines
66. Its Leeds Rhinos who is playin' in dis WCC and not St Helens! Right on!
67. De maroon and honky gots'ta turn t'black afta' attempts t'tackle da damn great Leeds Rhinos
68. Manly gots'ta be some lost cause by de 70d minute meanin' Leeds gots'ta let six players rest on de bench whilst 11 snatch on de laughable 13 dat Manly gots'ta still gots on de pitch
69. Brett Stewart be no match fo' Lee Smid o' Brent Webb
70. Manly is de great pretenders uh Australian Rugby League
71. Manly’s players gots'ta be in hot booze when playin' against Leeds fo' de WCC
72. Some uh de arrogant posts on Manly Sea Eagles official fo'ms alone gots'ta motivate Leeds t'bear dem fo' de WCC
73. Manly Fans should avoid some rip off trip t'England t'watched deir team dig slobba' knocked
74. Dis be a once in some lifetime chance fo' Manly and dey gots'ta epically blow it! Right on!
75. Brian McClennan wuz been sarcastic when he said Manly is a fo'midable outfit and ooze class droughout deir side
76. Manly is only in de UK early t'avoid deir nosey fans who arrive at da damn trainin' ground uninvited all de time - not t'cut dem de best preparashun dat wuz some false flag statement by Des Hasler
77. Manly Sea Eagles is as blind as honkyfools kin be
78. Leeds Rhinos is partners wid Soud Sydney meanin' we gots'ta win dis game fo' dem as much as fo' demselves
79. Manly is de Manly boys but dey won’t gots some win dis day against Leeds Rhinos
80. De Garden Gnomes in Leeds is a lot richa' dan dey is in Manly
81. Waaay down de unsightly Sea Eagles, chants de barmy army wid no Manly fans t'be seen
82. Manly gots'ta be waltzin' behind Leeds at da damn Wo'ld Club Challenge
83. Manly won’t be hangin' de Eagal rock but gots'ta be bough waaay down by de rock dat be Leeds Rhinos
84. Leeds gots'ta brin' Manly waaay down t'deir knee’s cuz' unlikes Soud’s Leeds kin play in deir own backyard
85. Leeds gots'ta be da damn rockers at da damn end uh dis game and not Manly
86. A team photo uh Manly be a po'trait uh losers
87. Manly might be 2008 Premiers but Leeds Rhinos is de mo'e respectable Supuh' League champions 88. Leeds gots'ta prove too hardco'e fo' Manly
89. De only doodad bod teams gots in common be dey kin bod whup' Melbourne but it stops dey cuz' Rhinos is miles betta'
90. Wo'ld Club Championship here Leeds mosey on down and win! Right on!
91. It gots'ta be da damn manly players leanin' on each oda' in pain when Leeds wid de WCC
92. Just cuz' Manly aren’t strong it duzn’t mean Leeds gots'ta be dey homeys and cut dem slack
93. De Manly effo't gots'ta be limited compared t'Leeds unlimited effo't
94. Leeds gots'ta glide skilfully drough de Manly defence
95. Manly’s gaps in defence is so big ya' could lay foundashuns fo' some warecrib dere
96. Leeds gots'ta be da damn ones playin' de fantasy rugby league on de WCC night
97. Leeds is a team dat gots capitalism in deir veins
98. Des Hasla' gots'ta leave doodads t'de Manly players t'demselves in de second half meanin' doodads gots'ta only dig wo'se fo' dem
99. Dey won’t be some time fo' Manly t'win dis game but dey gots'ta be times fo' dem t'lose it which dey gots'ta
100. Mo'e teams is whup'en by Leeds in de year dan whup'en by Manly
101. Whut Manly wants's dey gots'ta neva' get 102. Leeds 'espuh'ience Fetishism when winnin' wo'ld club challenges unlikes Manly who don’t know whut its likes
103. Leeds gots'ta be da damn side dat presents de Masochism dat Manly so's deserve
104. Stoicism gots'ta happen when Manly Sea Eagles face down t'de Leeds Rhinos
105. It gots'ta be Pandeism when Leeds play Manly likes when we played Melbourne
106. Leeds whup'in' Manly be plum Presbyterian
107. ah' have an adeist belief dat Manly gots'ta whup' Leeds
108. Leeds gots'ta simply floo' it against Manly
109. In fact Leeds gots'ta be givin' it large when playin' against Manly fo' de WCC
110. Manly not some praya' against da damn defendin' WCC Leeds Rhinos
111. De Great Australian heat wave gots'ta of sapped all uh de energy out uh de Manly players
112. Danny McGuire and Rob Burrow is de ultimate double act uh rugby league
113. Like when Tommy Coopuh' had some fatal heart attack, Manly gots'ta some series uh erro's dat da damn Sea Eagles faidful gots'ta dink be part uh de cocky showboat act dat deir team kin make erro's and win de game but it isn’t cuz' Leeds gots'ta fo'ce da damn erro's.
114. Leeds gots'ta showcase da damn secret in'redient t'whup'in' Manly in de WCC dat gots'ta prove priceless fo' its opposishun in de next NRL season
115. Secret plans is in place fo' Warrin'ah whose residents gots'ta scoff demselves t'comfo't da damn blow uh losin' t'Leeds Rhinos dat gots'ta cause da damn Sydney Suburb t'sink meanin' de whole place gots'ta be quarantined off t'stop furda' floodin'
116. Leeds gots'ta influence da damn game droughout unlikes Manly
117. Sea Eagles may sour high, but at least Rhinos don’t dig sucked into Jet engines
118. Leeds Rhinos gots'ta de betta' spells in de game dan Manly Sea Eagles
119. Manly dink dat everyone gots'ta fail t'whup' dem, but dey gotsn’t met Leeds Rhinos yet
120. Leeds Rhinos unpredictable style uh play gots'ta see dem drough de wo'ld club challenge against some very predictable Manly side
121.Manly is not da damn cure fo' Leeds Rhinos addicshun t'winnin'
123. Leeds gots'ta rampantly snatch all deir chances t'turn plays into points
124. Manly gots'ta not be liberated fum dey own half uh de field at all
125. Manly plum simply won’t be integrated as Champions by de end uh dis match cuz' Leeds won’t let dem
126. De Sea Eagles displays against De Rhinos dat night gots'ta be impoverish
127. It gots'ta be some cocktail uh class and skill dat gots'ta see Leeds win de wo'ld club challenge
128. De Rhinos gots some service t'deliva' fo' deir fans and dey gots'ta deliva'
129. De Rhinos gots'ta be noted as de pioneers uh de best style uh rugby league when playin' Sea Eagles 130. Leeds gots some lot uh hidden talent dat gots'ta finally be shown t'de rest uh de wo'ld mosey on down de WCC
131. Where Leeds kin find inspirashun Manly kin’t
132. All Manly players asses flop around likes two heavy-duty contracto'-grade yard bags full uh cream uh mushroom soup on de back uh a Fo'd Pinto rolln upside de railroad tracks by some fat Mexican goat wid some harelip
133. Manly is such baaaad losers dey gots'ta say de reason why dey lost against Leeds be a'cuz de ho'oscopes say so's
134. Manly gots'ta discova' dat Leeds is an allergy and dey gots'ta suffa' playin' against dem! Right on! 135. If it wuzn’t fo' Jamie Lyon Manly wouldn’t be wo'd even takin' on wid Leeds 1st team
136. All de Leeds players gots'ta be smilin' likes Tom Selleck afta' de game and not Manly
137. Manly gots'ta see da damn quality uh Leeds Rhinos on game day
138. De Leeds players is built fo' speed and agility unlikes Manly players
139. Manly is all teed and to'so unlikes Leeds who is much furda' dan dat
140. De Leeds attack gots'ta be somewhut too sinista' fo' Manly t'handle
141. Leeds Rhinos gots various tricks down deir sleeves unlikes Manly Sea Eagles
142. It gots'ta be da damn nightmare on Elland Road fo' Manly Sea Eagle
143. Manly should know deir role and shut deir moud 144. De Rhinos is de ones who set da damn benchmark in dis competishun
145. Leeds gots'ta de time uh deir lives slaughterin' Manly
146. Manly gots'ta simply plum drowned in Leeds weald uh class
147. Leeds gots'ta fly likes Lucy in de Sky whilst Manly gots'ta run likes pigs in de sun
148. Dey is two types uh suppo'ters in rugby league, dose dat suppo't Leeds and dose dat wish dey could
149. Whut some wuzte uh space Jamie Lyon is! Right on!
150. Manly stole way too many Soud’s players t'be some baaaad enough team t'whup' Leeds anyways 151. Leeds Rhinos is de ones dat gots'ta be rockin' all upside de wo'ld
152. A win be in de air and dat win be a Leeds win
153. Manly Sea Eagles gots'ta not be da damn ones who stop Leeds becomin' de most dominant fo'ce in de histo'y uh de wo'ld club challenge
154. Manly gots'ta rarely make it t'de opposishun half and dat includes defendin' in it also! Right on! 155. Manly is de one uh many dreamers who recon' dey kin whup' Leeds dis year
156. Even Frankie Laine duzn’t recon' in some tinka' of hope fo' Manly
157. It gots'ta be some enchanted evenin' fo' Manly in de Wo'ld Club Challenge
158. Leeds Rhinos is plum a little bit betta' dan Manly Sea Eagles
159. De winna' snatch'd it all and da damn winna' gots'ta be Leeds Rhinos
160. Everydin' wid mosey on down togeda' when Leeds play Manly fo' de WCC
161. Leeds is de best team in de wo'ld right now na na na 162. Leeds Rhinos is not lettin' go uh dat Wo'ld Club Challenge
163. Wishin' t'whup' Leeds be plum as hopeless as wishin' on some star
164. Leeds Rhinos gots'ta totally smash into Manly Sea Eagles
165. Manly when de lights go out at Elland Road ya' kin cry yo' loss den
166. Leeds Rhinos gots'ta spin Manly Sea Eagles right round
167. Even Manly’s most adletic players gots'ta lose deir bread chasin' Leeds players
168. Leeds Rhinos gots'ta come rainin' waaay down on Manly Sea Eagles parade
169. Leeds Rhinos gots'ta be Cruisin' against Manly Sea Eagles
170. Leeds duzn't gots'ta lug some bag uh useful stuff around everywhere deir go unlikes de dudette Manly players
171. Leeds Rhinos players kin be showered and eyebally in 10 minutes unlikes Manly players who snatch an age cuz' dey kin’t do much on de rugby field meanin' de whole teams livelihoods is secured drough de lucrative Aussie Rugby League Model market rada' dan drough dey shoddy 'suse uh playin' rugby league
172. Leeds Rhinos is leaders, not followers unlikes Manly Sea Eagles
173. Manly Sea Eagles lack in patience and confidence
174. Manly Sea Eagles gots'ta be lackin' in o'ganizashun against Leeds Rhinos in de WCC
175. Manly Sea Eagles do not learn fum previously done missnatch'd
176. Manly Sea Eagles gots some lack uh o'iginality and regularity
177. Manly Sea Eagles is clearly Fearin' t'go against Leeds Rhinos
178. Leeds Rhinos won’t be lackin' in ability against Manly Sea Eagles


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PostPosted: Wed Feb 11, 2009 9:02 pm 
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Until your lists get past a thousand reasons I'm not interested, put some effort in.

LARRY DAVID "We're told the customer is always right when in fact the customer is usually a moron and an a**hole"

It annoys me "when people don't follow societies unwritten rules"

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PostPosted: Thu Feb 12, 2009 10:20 am 
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Damo, you need to get a shag!

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PostPosted: Thu Feb 12, 2009 10:30 am 
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does this kid have a life? i feel sorry for you leeds fans who have to read his posts.

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PostPosted: Thu Feb 12, 2009 10:44 am 
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Newton-Le-willows-Warrior wrote:does this kid have a life? i feel sorry for you leeds fans who have to read his posts.
when its a list of 100 i get about as far as number 3 :roll:

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PostPosted: Thu Feb 12, 2009 10:54 am 
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Committed to the cause Damo, good job old boy. :thumb:

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PostPosted: Thu Feb 12, 2009 10:58 am 
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lionarmour87 wrote:when its a list of 100 i get about as far as number 3 :roll:

You go that far down :shock:



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PostPosted: Thu Feb 12, 2009 11:03 am 
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Eastwoods Missing Visa wrote:You go that far down :shock:

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PostPosted: Thu Feb 12, 2009 12:01 pm 
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I'm guessing Aspergers!

"Arguably the best Rugby League side certainly in the last 40 years!" Phil Clarke.

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PostPosted: Thu Feb 12, 2009 12:04 pm 
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ryano wrote:I'm guessing Aspergers!

Good veg that.

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