Jake the Peg wrote:Shocking that our game has gone backwards despite record levels of money being pumped in. We have no world class players in the England team and most seem to have a lack of basic skills such as passing and positional play. How can the Australian system be so much better at producing skillful players?
The problems start and begin with our youth system, i know a lot of hard work goes in at grassroots level and a lot of people give up there free time
But in Australia these kids are identified an early ages and put in to there instutiute of sports at there chosen game, with the best coaching and facilites
They also train in warm weather with sun on there back most of the time which can only help devolp there handlings skills and concentration
Where as our youngsters play the game in winter in cold and at times appalling weather conditions, and at times is hard to get a full team to training due to weather parents not wanting to take them out on a cold wet freezing misreable night
1 of the 1st things is we need to changer the amatuer game over to summer to enable youngsters to devolp there handling skills from the off