
Conference Confusion
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Author:  13>15 [ Tue Sep 22, 2009 1:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Conference Confusion

As a fairly recent convert to RL , i am having a bit of trouble getting my head round the leagues as you go further down. There is a Conference National and a National Conference Premier, which is the higher level? Thanks in Advance.

Author:  on the bench [ Tue Sep 22, 2009 5:00 pm ]
Post subject: 

the national conference (prem, div one and div two) is the winter competition ran by BARLA. the conference national is the summer competition ran by the RFL. on paper, the summer conference would be stronger as this is the league below the professional game (nat leagues 1 and 2). However in terms of quality, i believe that the winter conference is better. I think maybe the top 4 in the summer conference could quite easily play in the winter league, but the rest would struggle, in my opinion.

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