
Results 4/5 April
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Author:  Billy Banter [ Mon Apr 06, 2009 10:56 am ]
Post subject:  Results 4/5 April

Co-Operative Rugby League Conference National

Saturday, 04 April 2009

Featherstone Lions 44-46 Nottingham Outlaws

Sunday, 05 April 2009

Carlisle 14-70 Warrington Wizards
Huddersfield Underbank 26-24 Hemel

Author:  paved area [ Mon Apr 06, 2009 1:49 pm ]
Post subject: 

Did the sound of distant rugby wake you from your hibernation BB, it seems an absolute age since we've been treated to your pearls of wisdom.

Welcome back to the real world.

Author:  Billy Banter [ Mon Apr 06, 2009 3:06 pm ]
Post subject: 

I feel it is my civic duty to keep my fellow fans informed. Or to put it another way; if you want something doing, do it yourself.

It's hell on trying to find fixtures and results in this league and its predecessors. I had less trouble tracing the Holy Grail. :wink:

Author:  paved area [ Mon Apr 06, 2009 5:06 pm ]
Post subject: 

Billy Banter wrote:I feel it is my civic duty to keep my fellow fans informed. Or to put it another way; if you want something doing, do it yourself.

It's hell on trying to find fixtures and results in this league
and its predecessors. I had less trouble tracing the Holy Grail. :wink:

If you had gone to the bottom of page 1 in Club House "On-going fixture list",you would have / indeed will find the entire fixture list for 2009, which has also been updated with week 1 scores by SBR and extremely glad of that are we.

I strongly suggest that you treat your self to a large helping of humble pie. :DOH: :DOH:

Author:  Billy Banter [ Mon Apr 06, 2009 5:31 pm ]
Post subject: 

Yeah, really easy to find and follow. I didn't think to look for the fixtures, and the results especially, in a post dated January.:roll:

I won't bother in future. I'll leave it to the clique.

I've already had my tea, thanks.

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