
Big Quiz
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Author:  Heritage [ Tue Jun 18, 2013 11:23 am ]
Post subject:  Big Quiz

Fans Teams needed for the Big Quiz, 29 June, from 1700 in the Coral Stand, Odsal
The Bulls Future Horizons supporters group are running a quiz in conjunction with the Bulls Foundation on Saturday, 29 June. Teams are being invited from local amateur clubs, SL clubs and Championship clubs in the West Riding, to compete against each other.

Entry fee for each team is £5, with prizes for the winning team who answer the most correct questions over four rounds of 10 questions each. The categories are SL era, sport from 1990, music from the 60s to today and general knowledge.

The evening begins with pie, chips and peas for £5 for those wanting something to eat. Afterwards, there is either a DVD of the 2006 World Club Championship game in the Trevor Foster bar, or a comedy night with Tony Sutcliffe in the Legends suite (book in advance or pay on the door).

To ensure we cater for enough people, we also need you to let me know that you intend to enter a team, so mail Tony Tudor back on bullsfuturehorizons@gmail.com.
Fans Teams needed for the Big Quiz, 29 June, from 1700 in the Coral Stand, Odsal
The Bulls Future Horizons supporters group are running a quiz in conjunction with the Bulls Foundation on Saturday, 29 June. Teams are being invited from local amateur clubs, SL clubs and Championship clubs in the West Riding, to compete against each other.

Entry fee for each team is £5, with prizes for the winning team who answer the most correct questions over four rounds of 10 questions each. The categories are SL era, sport from 1990, music from the 60s to today and general knowledge.

The evening begins with pie, chips and peas for £5 for those wanting something to eat. Afterwards, there is either a DVD of the 2006 World Club Championship game in the Trevor Foster bar, or a comedy night with Tony Sutcliffe in the Legends suite (book in advance or pay on the door).

To ensure we cater for enough people, we also need you to let me know that you intend to enter a team, so mail Tony Tudor back on bullsfuturehorizons@gmail.com.

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