
Save 20% on Premier Sports Package
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Author:  Elite Skolar [ Thu Mar 08, 2012 11:47 am ]
Post subject:  Save 20% on Premier Sports Package

Premier Sports Cashback Offer

Premier Sports are offering Rugby League fans the chance to buy a 12 month season ticket to Premier Sports for just £79.99, meaning that they save £21 off the standard sale price whilst also helping out their club of choice, as Premier are giving £10 from every season ticket back to the subscriber’s selected club.

Every subscription sold will benefit the clubs financially. To take advantage of this offer fans can subscribe on-line at www.premiersports.tv or via phone, by calling 0871 663 9000 before 31 March 2012 and will be given the option to select which Championship club they wish to donate the
£10 to when subscribing. Subscribe now and select London Skolars!

Remember Skolars Friday Night Lights game against Whitehaven on Friday 24th August will be broadcast live on Premier Sport
Premier Sports Cashback Offer

Premier Sports are offering Rugby League fans the chance to buy a 12 month season ticket to Premier Sports for just £79.99, meaning that they save £21 off the standard sale price whilst also helping out their club of choice, as Premier are giving £10 from every season ticket back to the subscriber’s selected club.

Every subscription sold will benefit the clubs financially. To take advantage of this offer fans can subscribe on-line at www.premiersports.tv or via phone, by calling 0871 663 9000 before 31 March 2012 and will be given the option to select which Championship club they wish to donate the
£10 to when subscribing. Subscribe now and select London Skolars!

Remember Skolars Friday Night Lights game against Whitehaven on Friday 24th August will be broadcast live on Premier Sport

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