The Wath Brow lads have been playing in these sort of conditions all season I expect, but that is no excuse. Callum has laid the ground work but he can't play the game for the players.
Also couple of decisions against us, one of which was a try that was ruled a double movement....even some of the Wath supporters were surprised at that. (As the player went down both his arm and ball were sliding over the try line - never left the ground)
The left side backs worked better this week than I have seen so far, but the right side backs dont get enough of the ball, the recycling is slow. Our backs are strong, fast runners but they need to be used more. I think what is missing is a couple of big forwards who will power the ball further up the middle, makemore ground.
We did have a bright fast action moment in the second half where the ball was passed out and back at pace - quick pop passes,knowing where you support is, nothing flash, and it looked like Matt Thomas was on for his second try but got pushed into touch just before the line. If they could do this sort of work more often they will begin to trust each other. We also need to vary the kick offs...they all seem to go straight to the left of the field..the opposition are just standing there waiting to catch the ball.
On a final note, I would like to say thank you to the Whitehaven and Wath Browfor the hospitality shown on the day - it was first rate, and also thanks for pushing my car when I found I had a dead battery