
Can you help RL in Oxford ??
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Author:  mark shaw [ Sun Jan 11, 2015 5:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Can you help RL in Oxford ??

Hi all Oxford Cavalires Player John George Connaughton is asking for your help, Can you help hem and Rugby League in Oxford.

He would really appreciate some support promoting this project I am trying to get up and running. I have 25 days left to raise the 2k for it to get the go ahead which is a big ask but it can be done with your help. I want to give the kids in Oxford a chance to play rugby league and I also want to give students a chance to become Level 2 qualified and get some hands on experience coaching youth teams in Oxford. Please forward onto your friends, family and places of work to see if they want to support this community project.

http://www.crowdfunder.co.uk/community- ... e-project/?

Hi all Oxford Cavalires Player John George Connaughton is asking for your help, Can you help hem and Rugby League in Oxford.

He would really appreciate some support promoting this project I am trying to get up and running. I have 25 days left to raise the 2k for it to get the go ahead which is a big ask but it can be done with your help. I want to give the kids in Oxford a chance to play rugby league and I also want to give students a chance to become Level 2 qualified and get some hands on experience coaching youth teams in Oxford. Please forward onto your friends, family and places of work to see if they want to support this community project.

http://www.crowdfunder.co.uk/community- ... e-project/?


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