If you like to read books about our great game and if you are going to Featherstone on Sunday, it will be worth your while spending five minutes in the club shop. In there you will find a good selection to browse through. They include
The Biography of Billy Boston
Best In The Northern Union
Snuff Out The Moon
Champagne Rugby
Rugby League Review Number 2
plus three novels
Braver Than All The Rest (A mother's fight to give her rugby league loving disabled son a decent life)
Rugby Football: A United Game (Based on the thought what might have happened if the Northern clubs had been in the majority in 1895)
Two Seasons (The fifth in a series written against a background of work, family, old friends and rugby league in 2002 and 2003 and includes a chapter titled The Welsh Girl From Wrexham)
All these books and more are also available from the publisher London League Publications. Visit
http://www.llpshop.co.uk for more details