
Crusaders Players Furious
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Author:  steavis [ Thu Feb 16, 2012 8:57 am ]
Post subject:  Crusaders Players Furious

Author:  gogledd [ Tue Mar 27, 2012 5:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Crusaders Players Furious

To the Moderator,

I;s be grateful if this post could be removed from the NORTH WALES CRUSADERS forum as fans reading this may think it has something to do with the current club. IT IS NOT, Just to be clear Crusaders RL withdrew their application from SL at the end of last season as the club could not guarentee their financial continuation. The two owners (Mssrs Moss and Roberts) are the people resonsible for this mess and any players with grievances should aim their claims in that direction. The fans of the old club have every symathy for the situation players have been left in and have expressed their support for former players left without a contract, without payment or without a pension; a totally disgraceful way to trat professional sportsmen who have performed at the highest level on behalf of the club.

The North Wales Crusaders was formed when the Crusaders RL folded. Crusaders RL is no longer a Rugby LEague club. NWC was formed by fans who wanted RL to remain in North Wales. The current directors have backed the club and have all bought their own season ticket. The club is a fans club and has no association to Mr Moss or Mr Roberts

Author:  sanjunien [ Tue Mar 27, 2012 5:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Crusaders Players Furious

gogledd wrote:To the Moderator,

I;s be grateful if this post could be removed from the NORTH WALES CRUSADERS forum as fans reading this may think it has something to do with the current club. IT IS NOT, Just to be clear Crusaders RL withdrew their application from SL at the end of last season as the club could not guarentee their financial continuation. The two owners (Mssrs Moss and Roberts) are the people resonsible for this mess and any players with grievances should aim their claims in that direction. The fans of the old club have every symathy for the situation players have been left in and have expressed their support for former players left without a contract, without payment or without a pension; a totally disgraceful way to trat professional sportsmen who have performed at the highest level on behalf of the club.

The North Wales Crusaders was formed when the Crusaders RL folded. Crusaders RL is no longer a Rugby LEague club. NWC was formed by fans who wanted RL to remain in North Wales. The current directors have backed the club and have all bought their own season ticket. The club is a fans club and has no association to Mr Moss or Mr Roberts

it's not really surprising though is it ? people are confused with the situation especially when the 'new' Crusaders outfit have the same emblem except with the words 'rugby league' replaced with 'north wales'

why didn't the new Crusaders make a visible attempt to look different and disasociciate themselves from the last disasterous regime ?

there just seems to be too many contradictions here which is leaving themselves wide open to criticism

Author:  mozz01978 [ Wed Mar 28, 2012 10:57 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Crusaders Players Furious

This is the name the fans chose. The badge was left the same because when the club went bust fans still hadn't received their shirts so it was thought by keeping the same design it wouldn't hit fans in their pocket again.

Author:  sanjunien [ Wed Mar 28, 2012 1:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Crusaders Players Furious

mozz01978 wrote:This is the name the fans chose. The badge was left the same because when the club went bust fans still hadn't received their shirts so it was thought by keeping the same design it wouldn't hit fans in their pocket again.

so will the logo etc change eventually ?

or will the new Cru continue to cash in on the fallen company ?

isn't it some kind of plagiarism to use the same emblem (and against the law) ?

Author:  Salopian Warrior [ Wed Mar 28, 2012 8:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Crusaders Players Furious

Yes, very similar kits..........



And that "emblem" is a representation of the Prince of Wales feathers. Would you like the Welsh RU team to drop them too?, and maybe anybody in Wales that displays them patriotically? Palgiarism!!!!LOL I'm not even Welsh and find your comments insulting.


Author:  gogledd [ Thu Mar 29, 2012 9:02 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Crusaders Players Furious

Fans ordered Crusasders RL (the ld club) shirts early last season but had to wait weeks for their replica shirts. I had my shirt for the last 2 games of the season. When we were forming hte new club we discussed this and the feeling was that fans had paid out £40 but not really had use of the shirts. Ite was decided to keep the same kit (the red one and the black one with a dafodil yellow 'V'). A new Glyndwr kit (see othe post) has been introduced and the fans have really taken to this probably because it IS a break from the old club.

Fans chose the name as manny supporters travel from far and wide to support the team and Crusaders held some identity for the majority of fans. The RFL determined that there must be some geographical location in the name hence the North Wales Crusaders.

I fail to see how we are cashing in on the old company. They sold us down the river and we were left with the prospect of no RL in North Wales. It was the fans who moved to set up the new club and are please with the progress in such a short time since the withdrawan of the Super League application.

I am not 100% sure but I thing the badge was sold as an asset in the folding of the old club. The new club has registerd this, again because it appears on the old shirts, so no problem with plagerism.

I think the badge will change as we develop; It changed from Celtic Crusaders to Crusaders RL, so no reasoin why it cannot change again.

If we had a sugar-daddy and everyone in North Wales wasflush with cash I am sure things would have changed more quickly but this isn't the case, the new club didn't want to see fans even more out of pocket than they are already and the fans chose the name of the club

Author:  deluded pom? [ Thu Mar 29, 2012 6:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Crusaders Players Furious

gogledd wrote: The RFL determined that there must be some geographical location in the name hence the North Wales Crusaders.

Yet strangely they were happy to have Harlequins in the SL.

Author:  sanjunien [ Thu Mar 29, 2012 7:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Crusaders Players Furious

Salopian Warrior wrote:
And that "emblem" is a representation of the Prince of Wales feathers. Would you like the Welsh RU team to drop them too?, and maybe anybody in Wales that displays them patriotically? Palgiarism!!!!LOL I'm not even Welsh and find your comments insulting.

the club emblem is the same as the previous club calling themselves the Crusaders - my question was simple

I know the Prince of Wales feathers - brilliant and an important part of Welsh culture but that's nothing to do with my enquiry is it ?

question is (again) why have the new club chosen to use the old clubs emblem and just change the wording ? simple enough question which wasn't asked to upset a semingly tetchy Shropshire Lad just find out the truth - is the emblem 'legal' as one of the posters hints at being part of the take over deal or is the new club cashing in on the previous failed club assetts ?

what's complicated about that ?

why drag the Welsh RU and dear old Prince Charlie into the equation ?

if you find my remarks 'insulting' you really need to get out more - try Oswestry, a nice little town....

Author:  MTBDoug [ Fri Mar 30, 2012 2:45 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Crusaders Players Furious

sanjunien wrote:question is (again) why have the new club chosen to use the old clubs emblem and just change the wording ?

The fans chose to use the emblem as mentioned above. This was to get more use out of a kit that people had paid in good faith long before the withdrawl of SL franchise application but didnt turn up until just before the end of the season after it was obvious the club was going to fold.

No cashing in involved, unless you mean by Toss and Robber.

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