
Rugby League fans survey: results
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Author:  sarah loves o'meley [ Mon May 10, 2010 9:32 am ]
Post subject:  Rugby League fans survey: results

Hi everyone,

Sorry I've been a bit quiet, had lots to do over the past few weeks (where is the time going?!)

Some of you will remember that my dad had a heart attack over the Easter holidays, I'm pleased to say that he is absolutely fine and back on his feet now

I am still in the middle of sorting the results out but I can tell you how many people filled the survey out altogether and how many fans from each club filled the survey out.

Number of people who filled out the survey: 741
(The number for this was 959 but 218 surveys had to be deleted because they were filled out incorrectly - this included 9 people who filled out the survey but did not state which rugby league club they supported)

Fans from each club who filled out the survey:
Bradford Bulls - 57
Castleford Tigers - 45
Catalans Dragons - 2
Crusaders RL - 3
Fartown (Huddersfield) - 2
Featherstone Rovers - 1
Halifax - 2
Harlequins RL - 22
Huddersfield Giants - 46
Hull FC - 125
Hull KR - 47
Keighley Cougars - 1
Leeds Rhinos - 47
Salford City Reds - 29
Sheffield Eagles - 1
South Wales Scorpions - 1
St Helens - 57
Wakefield Trinity Wildcats - 68
Warrington Wolves - 98
Widnes Vikings - 2
Wigan Warriors - 85

I will post the rest of the results on here as soon as I can as I have still got lots to do between now and 28th May, which is when all my work has to be handed in


Author:  sarah loves o'meley [ Fri Jun 04, 2010 1:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Rugby League fans survey: results

Here are the rest of the results of my survey:

Each question will have the options that were available and the number of supporters who chose which option.

Question 2 was: How long have you been supporting your club?

1-4 years - 32
5-8 years - 75
9-12 years - 79
13-16 years - 76
17-19 years - 80
20+ years - 399

Question 3 was: How did you first start supporting your club?

Through work - 14
Through school or college - 66
Winning tickets for a match in a competition - 5
Attending matches with parents as a child - 449
Other - 207

The majority of the supporters who selected Other said that they first started going to matches with mates.

Question 4 was: Do you have a season pass with your club?

Yes - 562
No - 179

Question 5 was: If Yes, how long have you been a season pass holder?

This question applied to the supporters who answered Yes to Question 5.

First time - 15
2-3 years - 112
4-6 years - 148
7-9 years - 84
10-14 years - 62
15+ years - 141

Question 6 was: If No, why are you not a season pass holder?

This question applied to the supporters who answered No to Question 5.

Too expensive - 9
Not enough time to attend matches - 77
Prefer to watch games on TV - 0
Prefer to go to selected games - 10
Other - 83

The majority of the supporters who selected Other said that they lived too far away to attend matches or said that work commitments prevented them from being a season pass holder.

Question 7 was: How much money do you spend on buying tickets throughout the season? (not including the price of your season pass if you already have one)

£10-£50 - 92
£60-£100 - 153
£110-£150 - 156
£160-£190 - 117
£200+ - 200

23 supporters chose not to answer this question, so this was included in my final results as "Not Saying" because "Not Saying" was originally not included as an option to this question in the questionnaire.

Question 8 was: Do you go to both home and away matches?

Yes - 645
No - 96

Question 9 was: If No, which matches do you mainly go to?

This question applied to the 96 supporters who answered No to Question 8.

Home - 86
Away - 10

Question 10 was: How do you travel to your club's home matches?

Walk - 131
Car - 506
Bus - 41
Train - 22
Other - 31

The majority of the supporters who selected Other stated that they use more than one mode of transport to get to matches, e.g. car & walk or bus & walk or car & bus.

Question 11 was: How do you travel to your club's away matches?

Car - 466
Bus - 12
Coach - 101
Plane - 2
Train - 73
Other - 1

The 1 supporter who said other said that they travel to away matches by car and coach. Some supporters told me that the survey would not let them make multiple selections for certain questions; the survey tool which I used to put together the questionnaire would not allow me to do this.

Question 12 was: How much money do you spend on travelling to your club's matches throughout the season?

£10-£50 - 121
£60-£100 - 147
£110-£150 - 130
£160-£190- 77
£200+ - 249

17 supporters chose not to answer this question, so this was included in my final results as "Not Saying" because "Not Saying" was originally not included as an option to this question in the questionnaire.

Question 13 was: Do you go to any Challenge Cup matches?

Yes - 717
No - 24

Question 14 was: If Yes, which matches do you go to?

This question applied to the supporters who answered Yes to Question 13.

All of them (including the final if my club gets there) - 455
Some of them - 250
The final (as a neutral) - 12

Question 15 was: If No, why do you not go to any Challenge Cup matches?

This question applied to the supporters who answered No to Question 13.

Too expensive - 6
Not enough time to attend matches - 10
Prefer to watch games on TV - 4
Other - 4

The supporters who selected Other said that they had lost interest in the Challenge Cup.

Once again, thank you to all the supporters who took the time to fill in my questionnaire, it is much appreciated.


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