
protocol then - Wheels!
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Author:  Rotherham Fev Fan [ Sat Aug 22, 2009 5:36 pm ]
Post subject:  protocol then - Wheels!

Given the removal of some threads and the threats of banning posters of this forum could I seek clarification please?

Is this forum now only open to pro-celtic comment?? Are all anti-celtic posts to be considered as "trolling"??

I am at the mo very celtic sceptic and as such do NOT consider celtics inclusion to SL to have been appropriate - for many reasons, and I have evidenced why!! Yet am I now not allowed to ask questions celtics performance on appropriate threads - on or off the field for fear of being banned for fear or being branded a "Troll"????

Please give a universal clarification so we all know.

Author:  Captain Library [ Sat Aug 22, 2009 5:38 pm ]
Post subject: 

Ban him!!! ;)

Author:  Wheels [ Sat Aug 22, 2009 5:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: protocol then - Wheels!

Rotherham Fev Fan wrote:Given the removal of some threads and the threats of banning posters of this forum could I seek clarification please?

Is this forum now only open to pro-celtic comment?? Are all anti-celtic posts to be considered as "trolling"??

I am at the mo very celtic sceptic and as such do NOT consider celtics inclusion to SL to have been appropriate - for many reasons, and I have evidenced why!! Yet am I now not allowed to ask questions celtics performance on appropriate threads - on or off the field for fear of being banned for fear or being branded a "Troll"????

Please give a universal clarification so we all know.

In that case, stick your views in the appropriate thread.

Rotherham Fev Fan wrote:Given the removal of some threads and the threats of banning posters of this forum could I seek clarification please?

Is this forum now only open to pro-celtic comment?? Are all anti-celtic posts to be considered as "trolling"??

I am at the mo very celtic sceptic and as such do NOT consider celtics inclusion to SL to have been appropriate - for many reasons, and I have evidenced why!! Yet am I now not allowed to ask questions celtics performance on appropriate threads - on or off the field for fear of being banned for fear or being branded a "Troll"????

Please give a universal clarification so we all know.

In that case, stick your views in the appropriate thread.


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