Rotherham Fev Fan wrote:well here's a first. I said I'd never use the forum of a SL club, but here goes anyway!
1 - I don't think GanEden is a flat capper.
2 - Notwithstanding the barbed nature of his post, is his questions not worth asking??
3- The celtic club have been given a franchise to develop their playing and business operations. I accept Rome wasn't built in a day, but what do you measure as success and how long a time frame (if any) do you put on measuring that success. What do you consider to be a successful paying crowd - excluding all freebies!
4. Do you think the your club can sustain SL and given your criticism of the Bridgend public and the Welsh and National media, think you will be able to develop an appropriate level of support to maintain the club??
Not that this is ever going to change the world or the rules for any NL club. I remain ambivalent towards the crusaders as a club. I neither care if they win the GF or go into liquidation and fade into memory!
Back to my own place now I think!
1. doesn't matter if he is a flat capper or not it was pointless comment designed to cause trouble.
2. not afrer a 1/3 of the first season no. come back in 12 months time and yea it will be a viable area of dicussion
3.a crowd average at least equialent to Quins by the end of the 3 years hopefully more.
4. He never mentioned the welsh national media he mentioned the BBC the goverment funded "automonous" public service broadcaster. With a few wins the curious will turn up, there are two big cities swansea and cardiff with an hour of bridgend. so it is theoretically possible to attract large (sufficient) numbers.