
Iechyd Da 2
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Author:  gutterfax [ Wed Jul 23, 2008 3:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Iechyd Da 2

Why, when went to the trouble of typing in a humorous "Iechyd Da" subject topic, do I find my fully supportive thread for all things Celtic Crusaders moved "elsewhere"? eVEN WORSE, YOU CHUCKED ME IN WITH THE KNUCKLE DRAGGING FLAT EARTH LOT
[b]original post in SUPPORT of the Crusaders being given a licence

Power gone to your head [/b]
welcome to the wonderful world of Superleague outside the M62.

You don't deserve to be in SL! This comment normally comes at the start of a thread, when that thread occurs during the school holidays, or by page three of a thread where the flat earth brigade give up trying to use facts to win an argument.
Widnes/Leigh/Halifax (delete as applicable) get bigger crowds than you! This comment normally comes at the start of a thread, when that thread occurs during the school holidays, or by page three of a thread where the flat earth brigade give up trying to use facts to win an argument.
The RFL have bailed you out thousands of times! This comment normally comes at te start of a thread, when that thread occurs during the school holidays, or by page three of a thread where the flat earth brigade give up trying to use facts to win an argument.
You're just a team full of Australians! As above, but also tinged with a certain amount of Jealousy that you have been given a few years to catch up with their club, who've had over 100 years to develop, but still pay pensions to Australian has-beens!

Now I have only started off with these few, but believe me there are many more, so feel free to PM me if you need help with any others.
cadoo wrote:Away support?This comment normally comes at the start of a thread, when that thread occurs during the school holidays, or by page three of a thread where the flat earth brigade give up trying to use facts to win an argument.

Bring nothing to super league.
This comment normally comes at the start of a thread, when that thread occurs during the school holidays, or by page three of a thread where the flat earth brigade give up trying to use facts to win an argument.

No history. This comment normally comes at the start of a thread, when that thread occurs during the school holidays, or by page three of a thread where the flat earth brigade give up trying to use facts to win an argument.

Not a real rugby league club.
This comment normally comes at the start of a thread, when that thread occurs during the school holidays, or by page three of a thread where the flat earth brigade give up trying to use facts to win an argument.

Need help on a few of these.

Keep it tidy :lol: :shock:

Author:  WelshLeagueFan [ Wed Jul 23, 2008 4:32 pm ]
Post subject: 

You're only here to flog Sky dishes

Author:  splodge99 [ Wed Jul 23, 2008 5:10 pm ]
Post subject: 

You don't deserve to be in SL! TRUE

Widnes/Leigh/Halifax (delete as applicable) get bigger crowds than you! Can't argue with you there mate. TRUE

The RFL have bailed you out thousands of times! TRUE. They will, until they give up the ghost. Unless they realise their mistake a lot earlier and move your club, whilst still solvent, to St Helens to clear their massive debts.

You're just a team full of Australians! TRUE

So you hit the nail on the head on all counts. Well done.

Author:  crucrucrusaders [ Wed Jul 23, 2008 5:30 pm ]
Post subject: 

splodge99 wrote:You don't deserve to be in SL! TRUE

Widnes/Leigh/Halifax (delete as applicable) get bigger crowds than you! Can't argue with you there mate. TRUE

The RFL have bailed you out thousands of times! TRUE. They will, until they give up the ghost. Unless they realise their mistake a lot earlier and move your club, whilst still solvent, to St Helens to clear their massive debts.

You're just a team full of Australians! TRUE

So you hit the nail on the head on all counts. Well done.

Whether you believe we deserve to be in SL or not we are. Plain and Simple as that really.

The rfl think we deserve to be in and they are the ones that make the decision that counts.

Now we'll take our team full of Aussies, hopefully finish the season strongly and make a few changes end of season and on to Super League we go.

Author:  splodge99 [ Wed Jul 23, 2008 6:00 pm ]
Post subject: 

Why bother with this season at all? Doesn't matter where you finish your still in super league. Lets face it none of the current team would figure in a super league starting 13?

Author:  crucrucrusaders [ Wed Jul 23, 2008 6:05 pm ]
Post subject: 

splodge99 wrote:Why bother with this season at all? Doesn't matter where you finish your still in super league. Lets face it none of the current team would figure in a super league starting 13?

I think JD said he is keeping the nucleus of the squad together.

If that is the case surely the team will want to win something while still together if they know they won't be together as a group after this season.

Author:  gutterfax [ Wed Jul 23, 2008 6:19 pm ]
Post subject: 

splodge99 wrote:So you hit the nail on the head on all counts. Well done.

if you build it they will come the thread that is

Author:  cadoo [ Wed Jul 23, 2008 7:17 pm ]
Post subject: 

splodge99 wrote:Why bother with this season at all? Doesn't matter where you finish your still in super league. Lets face it none of the current team would figure in a super league starting 13?

£££££££££££££££ prize money if we win the thing.

Plus winning it would shut the flatcappers as we would have got into super league anyway had there not been licencing.

Author:  Cardiff Cymru [ Wed Jul 23, 2008 7:33 pm ]
Post subject: 

Sorry, I had to change the title of this. It annoys me lol.

The phrase is "iechyd da" and it translates as "good health" but is customary translated at cheers.

Got that off my chest so now you all know.


Author:  gutterfax [ Thu Jul 24, 2008 9:09 am ]
Post subject: 

Cardiff Cymru wrote:Sorry, I had to change the title of this. It annoys me lol.

The phrase is "iechyd da" and it translates as "good health" but is customary translated at cheers.

Got that off my chest so now you all know.


cheers mate :wink:

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