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Author:  Jimmythecuckoo [ Thu Mar 31, 2022 4:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Website

After many years of effort to keep up the good work of those who'd worked on it previously I am having to concede that I am not in a position to keep on updating it.

htttp://ukcatalansdragons.blogspot.com is available if anyone would like it as an ongoing concern.

It comes with the connection to the clubs UK based supporters club which I am happy to link any prospective owner in on.

Thanks to all who have contributed or read the content on the site, its very much appreciated.
After many years of effort to keep up the good work of those who'd worked on it previously I am having to concede that I am not in a position to keep on updating it.

htttp://ukcatalansdragons.blogspot.com is available if anyone would like it as an ongoing concern.

It comes with the connection to the clubs UK based supporters club which I am happy to link any prospective owner in on.

Thanks to all who have contributed or read the content on the site, its very much appreciated.

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