
v Wakefield
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Author:  John_D [ Fri Feb 05, 2010 2:58 pm ]
Post subject:  v Wakefield

Right folks. Eyes down and look in for another fun-packed season.
I drove past the ground at Wakey this afternoon and notice that they're planning on charging twenty English pounds to get in this season. Twenty f---ing quid.

Anyway, the 19 on duty, without the injured Thomas Bosc and Dane Carlaw:

1. Clinton Greenshields
2. Steve Bell
3. Sébastien Raguin
4. Setaimata Sa
5. Dimitri Pelo
6. Adam Mogg
8. David Ferriol
9. Casey McGuire
10. Jérôme Guisset
11. Olivier Elima
12. Grégory Mounis
13. Dallas Johnson
15. Jean-Philippe Baile
17. Cyrille Gossard
19. Julien Touxagas
20. Kane Bentley
21. Sébastien Martins
23. Chris Walker
24. Rémi Casty

Author:  vastman [ Fri Feb 05, 2010 3:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: v Wakefield

John_D wrote:Right folks. Eyes down and look in for another fun-packed season.
I drove past the ground at Wakey this afternoon and notice that they're planning on charging twenty English pounds to get in this season. Twenty f---ing quid.

Anyway, the 19 on duty, without the injured Thomas Bosc and Dane Carlaw:

1. Clinton Greenshields
2. Steve Bell
3. Sébastien Raguin
4. Setaimata Sa
5. Dimitri Pelo
6. Adam Mogg
8. David Ferriol
9. Casey McGuire
10. Jérôme Guisset
11. Olivier Elima
12. Grégory Mounis
13. Dallas Johnson
15. Jean-Philippe Baile
17. Cyrille Gossard
19. Julien Touxagas
20. Kane Bentley
21. Sébastien Martins
23. Chris Walker
24. Rémi Casty

Don't bother coming then, the £80 we get from you lot will hardly be missed :roll:

Author:  John_D [ Fri Feb 05, 2010 4:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: v Wakefield

vastman wrote:Don't bother coming then, the £80 we get from you lot will hardly be missed :roll:

Oh I'll be there. It won't cost me twenty nicker though.

Author:  Jean Galia [ Fri Feb 05, 2010 5:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: v Wakefield

vastman wrote:Don't bother coming then, the £80 we get from you lot will hardly be missed :roll:

Guffaw. It's a you've-got-a-2000-mile-round-trip joke. Hilarious.

Author:  John_D [ Fri Feb 05, 2010 5:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: v Wakefield

Author:  Wildthing [ Sun Feb 07, 2010 8:23 am ]
Post subject:  Re: v Wakefield

John_D wrote:Oh I'll be there. It won't cost me twenty nicker though.

Did you buy a ticket in advance as its 18 quid if you buy before the day of the game?

Author:  marvwoodburn [ Sun Feb 07, 2010 9:13 am ]
Post subject:  Re: v Wakefield

whos going? I think Im gonna make the journey

Author:  John_D [ Sun Feb 07, 2010 10:10 am ]
Post subject:  Re: v Wakefield

marvwoodburn wrote:whos going? I think Im gonna make the journey

Three of us at least from my end of things. Off for a pint in Henry Boon's on Westgate at about half 1, or head for the Donny Road terrace.

For those elsewhere, I'll be on Twitter
marvwoodburn wrote:whos going? I think Im gonna make the journey

Three of us at least from my end of things. Off for a pint in Henry Boon's on Westgate at about half 1, or head for the Donny Road terrace.

For those elsewhere, I'll be on Twitter

Author:  chissitt [ Sun Feb 07, 2010 10:12 am ]
Post subject:  Re: v Wakefield

I'm going

Author:  El Rey [ Sun Feb 07, 2010 11:30 am ]
Post subject:  Re: v Wakefield

Me too.

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