Pazzer wrote:Wild Boars 18 - 0 OFF AGAIN
This division is a lovin joke, why do some teams just poop out and not bother to play the better teams dont they want to better their game they just ring up an hour before and say no team, i dunno if i can be bothered to lace up my boots again this season overtime and gym now sounds a better alternative on a saturday. If we dont get in to div 4 next season im jacking cause this division is loving terrible top 6 teams or so good wanna play every week they teams like Blackburn, Bury, Chorley giving games all the time against us
we've conceded just two at Bury - just unfortunate that its been wild boars both times. First it was due to having no forwards at all, second time was the mad week when I went from 26 available and wanting to play one week to then having 18 players out! Really couldnt do anything about that. We've been to Cobras and we went to Hindley with a frantically scrambled together team. We havent deliberately called one off just to rest-up.
One thing that does need to change is the penalty for conceding games at the last minute. 3 times last year we got calls after midday on a match-day which meant we lost £80 on pitch hire, ref travelled (£30) and food paid for. It also means that lads who could get extra shifts are buggered! Teams should have a points deduction if they concede on the day of the game...
For our part, I've always told the club at the start of the week if we have an issue - have never waited to see if its off due to the weather or anything, have just been honest with the opposition. We told Wild Boars at the very start of the week when we conceded the first one so that they could let their players know so that they could work etc. - the second time round we realised at Thursday training that we had so many injuries and let Boars know again the next morning rather than wait until Saturday.