
£500 gone, £250 to go
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Author:  geordieboy saint [ Thu Aug 01, 2013 9:32 pm ]
Post subject:  £500 gone, £250 to go

As the title says, due to a lot of kind friends and rugby league fans from these forums, I have now reached a magnificent total of £500, which leaves £250 to go. This is superb in hard times and i promise even if my legs fall off i will crawl to the finish. If you still want to update please donate on www.justgiving.com/Shaun-Kelly1 or inbox me if you want to donate later on. thanks so much each and everyone of you so far and for those in the future. :D :D :BOW: :BOW: :BOW:
As the title says, due to a lot of kind friends and rugby league fans from these forums, I have now reached a magnificent total of £500, which leaves £250 to go. This is superb in hard times and i promise even if my legs fall off i will crawl to the finish. If you still want to update please donate on www.justgiving.com/Shaun-Kelly1 or inbox me if you want to donate later on. thanks so much each and everyone of you so far and for those in the future. :D :D :BOW: :BOW: :BOW:

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