
Charity 10k run and family fun day 6th aug
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Author:  vegas3 [ Fri Jul 29, 2011 7:40 am ]
Post subject:  Charity 10k run and family fun day 6th aug

Any body fancy doing a 10k run at Pontefract Park for a local charity the Laila Milly Foundation backed by the Pontefract and Castleford Express. You can run walk or crawl its all for a great cause. Tickets are £10 you get a weeks free membership at xercise for less too. You can either private message me or Please email. lailamilly@hotmail.co.uk if you are interested, along with your name and address. Your £10 can be collected on the day when you are given your runner number. Runners are asked to be there before 9.30.. There will also be a family fun day going on bouncy castles, stalls, live music, assult course, sumo fights, and plenty more, there is no enrty fee to the family fun day so please bring all the family. and make it a great success :thumb: :DANCE: :DANCE:
Any body fancy doing a 10k run at Pontefract Park for a local charity the Laila Milly Foundation backed by the Pontefract and Castleford Express. You can run walk or crawl its all for a great cause. Tickets are £10 you get a weeks free membership at xercise for less too. You can either private message me or Please email. lailamilly@hotmail.co.uk if you are interested, along with your name and address. Your £10 can be collected on the day when you are given your runner number. Runners are asked to be there before 9.30.. There will also be a family fun day going on bouncy castles, stalls, live music, assult course, sumo fights, and plenty more, there is no enrty fee to the family fun day so please bring all the family. and make it a great success :thumb: :DANCE: :DANCE:

Author:  ovo4fev [ Fri Jul 29, 2011 1:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Charity 10k run and family fun day

What date?

Author:  vegas3 [ Sat Jul 30, 2011 12:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Charity 10k run and family fun day

sorry 6th august stupid me :CRAZY:

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