
GB Allstars merchandice
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Author:  CHEWIE7 [ Sun Jul 12, 2009 8:47 am ]
Post subject:  GB Allstars merchandice

Hiya...Just to let you all know.......We have brought some GB Allstars T-shirts and vests out. (£12 & 10 respectivley). They are embroidered with the GB Allstars crest and 'Life For A Kid'. The T-shirts are either Black, Royal blue or Dark Grey. The vests come in Royal blue, White, Sky Blue, Light grey or Black. They are a good item to wear if you are a 'neutral' supporter too!
We are also selling tickets @ £2 each to have the chance to win a signed GB Allstars Jersey (or unsigned if you prefer!)

All money made goes the the 'Life For A Kid Foundation', this is the charity that the Allstars play their games in aid of. They give their time and (still silky) skills freely to help us.....And also have a great time meeting their old mates!

Some of the players include the likes of Tommy Martyn, Paul Newlove, Graeme Steadman. Steve Hampson, Garry Schofield, Darren Rogers, Andy Kelly, Ikram Butt, Martin Dermott and we have just added Terry O'Connor to the list of players in our 'pool'.
We have recently played two games of a three match test series against the NZ Allstars (Kiwis based in the UK). The way it stands at the moment is GB 2 - Kiwis 0

PM me if you are interested in a ticket or a T/Vest

Cheers Darren Palmer (Chairman of 'Life For A Kid Foundation') & GB Allstars!

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