
Its all on us...
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Author:  HKR AWAY DAYS [ Mon Aug 22, 2011 8:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Its all on us...

This week, Red Ramblings revels in an excellent victory over St Helens and Ade Gardener talks about a successful weekend in London and at Craven Park. Both can't wait for a week in Lloret and give the holiday big licks. Rally round...

This week, Red Ramblings revels in an excellent victory over St Helens and Ade Gardener talks about a successful weekend in London and at Craven Park. Both can't wait for a week in Lloret and give the holiday big licks. Rally round...


Author:  HKR AWAY DAYS [ Wed Aug 24, 2011 9:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Its all on us...

HKR AWAY DAYS are now selling branded polo shirts. They will each have the logo on and then anything else you want on them: quotes, extra logos, wording etc can be added. If you would like one, email us at: editor@hkrawaydays.co.uk for details. There is no limit to stock because we order on demand.

Also, we're looking at doing an article on people who have contributed to our club in a playing capacity in the late 90s and early naughties. We are looking for supporters to write an article of their memories of past players to celebrate where we were, and where we are now - 5 years since we gained promotion to Super League. So if you have a story about Dean Andrews, Paul Mansson or Phil Hasty, for example, please get in touch, let us know your thoughts, send pictures etc and we'll get it on!

If anyone wants to get involved and get your name on the site, please email at the above address.


HKR AWAY DAYS are now selling branded polo shirts. They will each have the logo on and then anything else you want on them: quotes, extra logos, wording etc can be added. If you would like one, email us at: editor@hkrawaydays.co.uk for details. There is no limit to stock because we order on demand.

Also, we're looking at doing an article on people who have contributed to our club in a playing capacity in the late 90s and early naughties. We are looking for supporters to write an article of their memories of past players to celebrate where we were, and where we are now - 5 years since we gained promotion to Super League. So if you have a story about Dean Andrews, Paul Mansson or Phil Hasty, for example, please get in touch, let us know your thoughts, send pictures etc and we'll get it on!

If anyone wants to get involved and get your name on the site, please email at the above address.



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