
Salford & Speculation...
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Author:  HKR AWAY DAYS [ Tue Jul 19, 2011 7:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Salford & Speculation...

After our fourth win in a row, Ade Gardener pens his thoughts going into the Saints game and the speculation surrounding Justin Morgan

Red Ramblings lavishes Matty, Matty Cook with praise, thanks Shaun Briscoe for his services to our club and welcomes Dave Hodgson, too.

Robin Tweeter goes a bit close to the bone with his latest outburst on Twitter and Pedro has a new chant!

As usual: http://www.HKRAWAYDAYS.co.uk
After our fourth win in a row, Ade Gardener pens his thoughts going into the Saints game and the speculation surrounding Justin Morgan

Red Ramblings lavishes Matty, Matty Cook with praise, thanks Shaun Briscoe for his services to our club and welcomes Dave Hodgson, too.

Robin Tweeter goes a bit close to the bone with his latest outburst on Twitter and Pedro has a new chant!

As usual: http://www.HKRAWAYDAYS.co.uk

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