
Tackling whilst lying on the ground. Ouch!
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Author:  boost [ Sun Jul 10, 2011 9:29 am ]
Post subject:  Tackling whilst lying on the ground. Ouch!

On two occasions yesterday, your players, whilst down on the ground used their bodies to stop an attacking player, although this is within the rules, it appears to be very risky. On both occasions both teams players came out of the tackle much the worse for wear. Were these two incidents just a coincidence or is this a new defensive strategy?

Author:  crucrucrusaders [ Sun Jul 10, 2011 5:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Tackling whilst lying on the ground. Ouch!

It's known as the sleeping policeman tackle.

It has been known to stop vehicles in full flight so seemed more than enough for our players.

To compliment the style they are going for a tarmac coloured away kit next season.

Author:  boost [ Sun Jul 10, 2011 6:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Tackling whilst lying on the ground. Ouch!

crucrucrusaders wrote:It's known as the sleeping policeman tackle.

It has been known to stop vehicles in full flight so seemed more than enough for our players.

To compliment the style they are going for a tarmac coloured away kit next season.

If I remember correctly, KR wore something similar a few seasons back :D

Author:  MrPhilb [ Sun Jul 10, 2011 6:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Tackling whilst lying on the ground. Ouch!

Maybe they should just have let you through without trying to stop you????

Author:  boost [ Sun Jul 10, 2011 6:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Tackling whilst lying on the ground. Ouch!

MrPhilb wrote:Maybe they should just have let you through without trying to stop you????

I'm not a fan of touch rugby, I have no problem at all with big hits. I'm just saying that as a result of one of these tackles one of your players, I think it was Briscoe is lucky not to have whip lash and Mark Bryant left the field on one leg.

Author:  SirStan [ Mon Jul 11, 2011 8:59 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Tackling whilst lying on the ground. Ouch!

boost wrote:I'm not a fan of touch rugby, I have no problem at all with big hits. I'm just saying that as a result of one of these tackles one of your players, I think it was Briscoe is lucky not to have whip lash and Mark Bryant left the field on one leg.

Bryant came off worse after kneeing Fisher in the head whist Fisher went for a tackle low down. No malice on behalf of either player but Fisher's head is made of tungsten. Briscoe always leads with his face (perhaps you have noticed this?) and took another knock when Mr Thomas swung his boot towards it. Again, brave play by Briscoe, nothing wrong other than he should have got there earlier.

Author:  barham red [ Mon Jul 11, 2011 1:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Tackling whilst lying on the ground. Ouch!

SirStan wrote:Bryant came off worse after kneeing Fisher in the head whist Fisher went for a tackle low down. No malice on behalf of either player but Fisher's head is made of tungsten. Briscoe always leads with his face (perhaps you have noticed this?) and took another knock when Mr Thomas swung his boot towards it. Again, brave play by Briscoe, nothing wrong other than he should have got there earlier.

A lot didn't agree with the Briscoe / Thomas this being given as a knock on to Crusaders, but you're correct it was Briscoes fault, he hesitated before committing and turned it from a defenders ball to a 50/50, Thomas tried to kick it, Briscoe stuck his head in the way.

Author:  boost [ Mon Jul 11, 2011 6:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Tackling whilst lying on the ground. Ouch!

SirStan wrote:Bryant came off worse after kneeing Fisher in the head whist Fisher went for a tackle low down. No malice on behalf of either player but Fisher's head is made of tungsten. Briscoe always leads with his face (perhaps you have noticed this?) and took another knock when Mr Thomas swung his boot towards it. Again, brave play by Briscoe, nothing wrong other than he should have got there earlier.

You don't say :)

Author:  blakeysrobin [ Mon Jul 11, 2011 6:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Tackling whilst lying on the ground. Ouch!

What is most hienious is that aweful tactic of tickling in the tackle. You laugh so much you spill the ball.

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