dum-dum wrote:Déjà vu!
I'll look out for 6 gentleman with a goose in their step and I'll decide whether to say "hello" after I'm clear that in my time on the forum I've not upset you.
By any chance do you all wear an identifiable mark to show you allegiance to the Skein such as a handlebar moustache or a chequered flat cap?
No, The Skein actually don't want to be members of The Skein, I've forced them to join. No one on here has ever offended or upset me. I'm not sure where we'll be, I emailed YCCC last week about tickets but they haven't deigned to grace my working class ass with a reply. Ms. pmh will be in attendance for the cricket, go easy on her, she dislikes me enough as it is without all you reprobates enforcing he opinion.