
Hull Kr tv
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Author:  Seventies red [ Wed Mar 02, 2011 10:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Hull Kr tv

I thought i would log on and take a look at some of the games highlights only to find that there is a now £3.50 per month charge even though i am a rovers club member, i personaly think this is out of order especialy as this was originaly included as one of the benifits of been a club member.
Considering the present economic climate, for many people this will be simply one extra cost to many and will come as a great dissapointment.
I have just looked at the FC tv and as far as i can see there is no charge, i for one will not be signing up to this, simply on principle. :x

Author:  Anakin Skywalker [ Wed Mar 02, 2011 10:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Hull Kr tv

Seventies red wrote:I thought i would log on and take a look at some of the games highlights only to find that there is a now £3.50 per month charge even though i am a rovers club member, i personaly think this is out of order especialy as this was originaly included as one of the benifits of been a club member.
Considering the present economic climate, for many people this will be simply one extra cost to many and will come as a great dissapointment.
I have just looked at the FC tv and as far as i can see there is no charge, i for one will not be signing up to this simply on principle. :x
That isn't true at all.
I am a member and I have just logged on for £0,00p.

Author:  Scott_HKR [ Wed Mar 02, 2011 10:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Hull Kr tv

You don't have to.
If you are a Club Rovers member you type in your details. It doesn't cost any more. It is only £3.50 a month or whatever to non club rovers members.

You type your membership number (4 digits) and your postcode (HUXX XXX) in that format and click login

Author:  Seventies red [ Wed Mar 02, 2011 10:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Hull Kr tv

Scott_HKR wrote:You don't have to.
If you are a Club Rovers member you type in your details. It doesn't cost any more. It is only £3.50 a month or whatever to non club rovers members.

You type your membership number (4 digits) and your postcode (HUXX XXX) in that format and click login

Thanks for the response guys however, i do know the proceedure as i have used the facility on several occasions previously, i have just tried again after loggin on and typing in the required information (4 digits plus postal code) and it plays for about twenty seconds before cutting off and displaying the message (non members can access for £3.50) it may be a problem with my membership number not been recognised for some reason.
I will try it again later and if not successful will contact the club tommorow in an attempt to resolve the problem. :?

Author:  Anakin Skywalker [ Wed Mar 02, 2011 10:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Hull Kr tv

Seventies red wrote:Thanks for the response guys however, i do know the proceedure as i have used the facility on several occasions previously, i have just tried again after loggin on and typing in the required information (4 digits plus postal code) and it plays for about twenty seconds before cutting off and displaying the message (non members can access for £3.50) it may be a problem with my membership number not been recognised for some reason.
I will try it again later and if not successful will contact the club tommorow in an attempt to resolve the problem. :?
Will I have just played 2 mins with no probs so it has to be your membership.

Author:  Scott_HKR [ Wed Mar 02, 2011 10:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Hull Kr tv

Seventies red wrote:Thanks for the response guys however, i do know the proceedure as i have used the facility on several occasions previously, i have just tried again after loggin on and typing in the required information (4 digits plus postal code) and it plays for about twenty seconds before cutting off and displaying the message (non members can access for £3.50) it may be a problem with my membership number not been recognised for some reason.
I will try it again later and if not successful will contact the club tommorow in an attempt to resolve the problem. :?

Are you sure you aren't clicking the Preview video? There are two videos for each thing, one is a preview.

Author:  Seventies red [ Wed Mar 02, 2011 10:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Hull Kr tv

Scott_HKR wrote:Are you sure you aren't clicking the Preview video? There are two videos for each thing, one is a preview.

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaagh i dont beliiiieeeeve it :oops: :oops: you are right thats exactly what i have been doing, what a plonker, excuse me while i slip into the next room and give my head a bang and a good kick up the posterior, i wouldnt mind but ive used it on several occasions and never had a problem, i must be working to hard or perhaps its just my age creeping up on me, anyway cheers for putting me right on this one.

Author:  nick hkr [ Thu Mar 03, 2011 6:57 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Hull Kr tv

I did a similar thing and was about to post, not too clear about it being the preview but I guess how clear can they make it, it does say preview on the title!! Just us dumb ar$es that need to read before we post!!!!

Author:  roverlance [ Thu Mar 03, 2011 10:03 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Hull Kr tv

i started throwing a paddy because it wasnt accepting my post code...only to descover that i needed to include the space in the middle :BEAT: :D

Author:  FLAG EDGE TOUCH [ Thu Mar 03, 2011 12:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Hull Kr tv

A saluatory lesson...often best to contact the club in the first instance before posting....

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