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Author:  chukabutt [ Fri Sep 17, 2010 3:04 pm ]
Post subject:  OH THE IRONY

I know im a little behind this week but imagine my suprise when i read that (believe it or not) Hull FC are looking abroad for a new player due to Berrigan coming off quota!!!
Now far be it from me to throw dispertions at other fans (note not teams) about the whole quota thing being a Rovers fan, but last week after the Mason announcement we once again got slated by our lower league cousins for not going British/English for the good of the national game and making a mokery of the rules regarding the quota.
As my topic states "OH THE IRONY"

Author:  arliebird [ Fri Sep 17, 2010 3:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: OH THE IRONY

yeh id agree with you if we were to have more overseas players next year then this year but even if we do get an overseas player he will just replace cusack so we"ll just be on the same number of overseas players anyway. remind me again do you have 8 overseas players this year and for next season you"ll have 10 now do you understand why some rugby league fans see that as a negative for the english game as the number is ever increasing at craven park instead of reducing tut tut tut

Author:  barton baird [ Fri Sep 17, 2010 3:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: OH THE IRONY

arliebird wrote:yeh id agree with you if we were to have more overseas players next year then this year but even if we do get an overseas player he will just replace cusack so we"ll just be on the same number of overseas players anyway. remind me again do you have 8 overseas players this year and for next season you"ll have 10 now do you understand why some rugby league fans see that as a negative for the english game as the number is ever increasing at craven park instead of reducing tut tut tut

Yes,but it Fosters a good Bond I think.. :)

Author:  chukabutt [ Fri Sep 17, 2010 3:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: OH THE IRONY

arliebird wrote:yeh id agree with you if we were to have more overseas players next year then this year but even if we do get an overseas player he will just replace cusack so we"ll just be on the same number of overseas players anyway. remind me again do you have 8 overseas players this year and for next season you"ll have 10 now do you understand why some rugby league fans see that as a negative for the english game as the number is ever increasing at craven park instead of reducing tut tut tut

Problem is you cant have it both ways as we were told by you lot that we should be lookin English, yes we have signed Mason and Green, but we wanted to sign Radford and will sign Hall, we are always told we have/are playing the rules to our advantage regarding quotas yet the minute you have the option you are off overseas.
I have a friend of a friend of a friend who reckons your over seas star will be Greenshields(amazing signing if true) but surely as you always put to us THERE MUST BE English players available, the irony is not on how many but that when you have the chance you sign foriegn, do you believe that had you 3 spots available you would only use one?
Is Berrigan now non foreign or still foreign due to lack of quota in your opinion??

Author:  barton baird [ Fri Sep 17, 2010 4:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: OH THE IRONY

I will put my hand in the fire here and say if the Aussies are good to watch play,then bring it on.I know the argument about young British players not being given a fair go,but if they are good enough ,surely they will get their chance?

Author:  Tongan Mafia [ Fri Sep 17, 2010 4:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: OH THE IRONY

I dont really care about teams having loads of aussies or kolpak players. As long as they make the game exciting and make sure Rugby League remains a quality product. If we had mainly English players I think it would be very boring tbh. The problem is when we end up bringing in poor overseas players thats what annoys people more then anything.

Author:  chukabutt [ Fri Sep 17, 2010 4:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: OH THE IRONY

barton baird wrote:I will put my hand in the fire here and say if the Aussies are good to watch play,then bring it on.I know the argument about young British players not being given a fair go,but if they are good enough ,surely they will get their chance?

Well said, The cream as they say will always rise to the Top, Green is highly regarded down under and Mason is world class no matter what anyone says.
I know 2 players who are both Rovers fans who played for your reserves and one actually played first team, their names are Liam Reed and the kid who played First Team is Lee Brown, one got one chance and the other got none, both say that it was due to Foreigners and both now play for East Hull, both guys are fantastic players and would have walked into our first team 5/6 years ago but both are now lost to the lower leagues due to no chance at the top level.
Although i agree to a degree regarding the local thing i will never agree that our clubs are feeder clubs and have a responsability to the national team, me and you do not spend the money we spend week in week out so England are Good, we first and foremost want our respective teams to win no matter what.
England for me is a night out with the lads when there is no SL to watch.(PS i am Scottish :D )

Author:  His Bobness [ Fri Sep 17, 2010 4:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: OH THE IRONY

Tongan Mafia wrote:I dont really care about teams having loads of aussies or kolpak players. As long as they make the game exciting and make sure Rugby League remains a quality product. If we had mainly English players I think it would be very boring tbh. The problem is when we end up bringing in poor overseas players thats what annoys people more then anything.

Agree entirely.

I reckon Hull should try & get a good half back from wherever they can find one and if that is Australia then why not? Seriously would it be better for Super League if they signed a Brit like Paul Cooke?

I see Castleford have just signed Fozzard now if that is what they want to do then that is up to them. But they probably could have got an up & coming Aussie for less money and I don't see how Super League in general would be any the poorer if they'd done that instead of signing Fozzard.

The home grown rule is the important bit really not overseas quotas.

Author:  pmarrow [ Fri Sep 17, 2010 8:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: OH THE IRONY

I have no problem will the Mason signing, any player that can improve our competition should be allowed to play. The sooner we stop letting the international game dictate our domestic game the better.

Author:  JohnSmith2602 [ Fri Sep 17, 2010 8:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: OH THE IRONY

Morgan said in Rugby Leaguer that english players are currently very expensive so will look overseas, hence this provides support for him keeping his Oz mafia at the club for as long as possible. Why are some of the fringe KR 1st team players getting only £7,500 per year then!

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