
Derby : No Sell out .....
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Author:  Bertie [ Mon Sep 06, 2010 2:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Derby : No Sell out .....

Unless the police allow the SMC to open the upper West Stand.

Rumours abound that unless there is a resolution to this problem in a meeting between the SMC and police at 5.00pm today the Upper West stand at the KC will remain closed on Saturday due to the poilce not having the rescources to police both this event and the Freedom festival.

Personally cannot understand why the stewards who normally supervise at Craven Park cannot be employed to do likewise in the upper West on Saturday.

Author:  clubfoot fc [ Mon Sep 06, 2010 2:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Derby : No Sell out .....

Bertie wrote:Unless the police allow the SMC to open the upper West Stand.

Rumours abound that unless there is a resolution to this problem in a meeting between the SMC and police at 5.00pm today the Upper West stand at the KC will remain closed on Saturday due to the poilce not having the rescources to police both this event and the Freedom festival.

Personally cannot understand why the stewards who normally supervise at Craven Park cannot be employed to do likewise in the upper West on Saturday.

http://www.thisishullandeastriding.co.u ... ticle.html

Quote: We will police these two events as we normally would, the events are being held at opposite ends of the city.

"It's not ideal they are being held on the same day but we are more than prepared for it.

"We are not expecting any more problems than if they were being held on separate days.

Hopefully the rumours you have heard aren't true.
Bertie wrote:Unless the police allow the SMC to open the upper West Stand.

Rumours abound that unless there is a resolution to this problem in a meeting between the SMC and police at 5.00pm today the Upper West stand at the KC will remain closed on Saturday due to the poilce not having the rescources to police both this event and the Freedom festival.

Personally cannot understand why the stewards who normally supervise at Craven Park cannot be employed to do likewise in the upper West on Saturday.

http://www.thisishullandeastriding.co.u ... ticle.html

Quote: We will police these two events as we normally would, the events are being held at opposite ends of the city.

"It's not ideal they are being held on the same day but we are more than prepared for it.

"We are not expecting any more problems than if they were being held on separate days.

Hopefully the rumours you have heard aren't true.

Author:  bifta [ Mon Sep 06, 2010 4:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Derby : No Sell out .....

got m8s who have purchased tickets for the upper west :?:

Author:  tiger2000 [ Mon Sep 06, 2010 5:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Derby : No Sell out .....

Author:  gingerspice [ Mon Sep 06, 2010 5:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Derby : No Sell out .....

Hull just released 2000 to us for upper west stand..

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