
Magic Weekend kicks off 2011 season!
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Author:  Frosties. [ Fri Aug 13, 2010 11:16 am ]
Post subject:  Magic Weekend kicks off 2011 season!

Author:  Sandro II Terrorista [ Fri Aug 13, 2010 11:27 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Magic Weekend kicks off 2011 season!

Good idea, a proper season launch that might actually attract some media attention instaed of the damp squib staggered start we've endured for the last few years.

I'm up for this depending on interest from the other members of The pmh Posse.

Author:  EL CAMO [ Fri Aug 13, 2010 11:58 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Magic Weekend kicks off 2011 season!

Great idea and much better there than at Murrayfield

Author:  RoversTrace [ Fri Aug 13, 2010 12:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Magic Weekend kicks off 2011 season!

Big mistake in my opinion, not the move, fully in favour of going back to Cardiff, but the timing is very poor in my opinion. No campsites open (how many of us stayed at Trecco Bay last time?), Valentine's Weekend, places guaranteed to up prices (take my word for it it's my wedding anniversary and it happens every year) and a normal weekend when everyone has to be back at work/school on the Monday. Imagine having that last game on the Sunday and then having to drive home and get up for work the next day. Had it been a week later it would have been half term and I'm sure more people with kids would have gone if they didn't have to have the kids back at school on Monday. All this is without taking the weather into consideration, we had heavy snow around that time this year, could affect travel arrangements for everyone.

Author:  Sandro II Terrorista [ Fri Aug 13, 2010 1:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Magic Weekend kicks off 2011 season!

RoversTrace wrote:Big mistake in my opinion, not the move, fully in favour of going back to Cardiff, but the timing is very poor in my opinion. No campsites open (how many of us stayed at Trecco Bay last time?), Valentine's Weekend, places guaranteed to up prices (take my word for it it's my wedding anniversary and it happens every year) and a normal weekend when everyone has to be back at work/school on the Monday. Imagine having that last game on the Sunday and then having to drive home and get up for work the next day. Had it been a week later it would have been half term and I'm sure more people with kids would have gone if they didn't have to have the kids back at school on Monday. All this is without taking the weather into consideration, we had heavy snow around that time this year, could affect travel arrangements for everyone.

Well there's zero chance of me staying in a tent, camping it up? Much more likely.
They'll hike the prices anyway, and as for Monday work, forget it!
It won't snow, I can feel it, it'll be lovely, al fresco boozing in between games, get in!
I do realise that I'm in a fortunate postition to be able to afford to go and have the flexibility take more or less when I like off.
Maybe the week after would have been better but then The RFL would be facing fixture pile ups at the other end of the season in the run up to the Four Nations or whatever we're having that year.
I'm already 99% certain that I'm going.

Author:  very red robin [ Fri Aug 13, 2010 1:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Magic Weekend kicks off 2011 season!

Im with Trace on this one, Great that its back in Cardiff but with the weather and it been that weekend i can see it been abit tricky to say the least.

Author:  barham red [ Fri Aug 13, 2010 9:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Magic Weekend kicks off 2011 season!

I'm with trace too, add to this it's just after Xmas so cash will be tight and the best thing about Cardiff was the cafe bar atmosphere that in feb will be lacking.

Author:  phleastyler [ Sat Aug 14, 2010 10:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Magic Weekend kicks off 2011 season!

any chance of all the campers across super league giving the campsite a nudge. they'd open if they have a full site!!

Author:  rover49 [ Sat Aug 14, 2010 11:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Magic Weekend kicks off 2011 season!

Better be quick, I have booked a hotel for me and the missus and all the available beds in Cardiff centre are full for both nights already, nearest we found was about 4 mile away.

Author:  hull smallears [ Sun Aug 15, 2010 12:26 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Magic Weekend kicks off 2011 season!

pmh wrote:Well there's zero chance of me staying in a tent, camping it up? Much more likely.
They'll hike the prices anyway, and as for Monday work, forget it!
It won't snow, I can feel it, it'll be lovely, al fresco boozing in between games, get in!
I do realise that I'm in a fortunate postition to be able to afford to go and have the flexibility take more or less when I like off.
Maybe the week after would have been better but then The RFL would be facing fixture pile ups at the other end of the season in the run up to the Four Nations or whatever we're having that year.
I'm already 99% certain that I'm going.

I am in the same position as you in this, in that I can get time etc. Just think that feb is the wrong time for it.

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