
ref for saturday
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Author:  sandy [ Tue Jul 20, 2010 2:57 pm ]
Post subject:  ref for saturday

we have alibert as ref v Bradford with silverwood as video ref

we have alibert as ref v Bradford with silverwood as video ref


Author:  Sandro II Terrorista [ Tue Jul 20, 2010 3:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: ref for saturday

Don't care, can't ruddy go now thanks to SKY.

Got to take kids blooming horse riding.

Can't stand horses me, went on one in Portugal once, couldn't get it in gear. Everyone else rode off, mine tried to jump back in it's house. Only got it going when one of the lads (who never spoke for the entire duration of the horse ride) came back and booted it up the Iestyn Harris. Went from neutral into third gear, had to hold onto it's hair for dear life. The "ride" then consisted of going through dried up river beds, up mountains and through "villages" where the people lived in half fallen down houses with rabid dogs that came and bit your feet. Everyone else would ride off whilst my stead would stop to eat bushes, grass or the occaisional Twix, then, one of the mute lads would come back, boot it up the Iestyn and off we'd go again, straight back into third gear.

And I got sun burnt.

Not even my kids either, not allowed to procreate me, won't give me a licence. And I'm made of GM food.

Can stand horses me can I. No I can't.

Author:  SirStan [ Tue Jul 20, 2010 3:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: ref for saturday

sandy wrote:we have alibert as ref v Bradford with silverwood as video ref


Did ok last time he was at CP
sandy wrote:we have alibert as ref v Bradford with silverwood as video ref


Did ok last time he was at CP

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