
Does Anbody know the record score by Rovers against Hull FC
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Author:  bailey31 [ Mon Jul 12, 2010 8:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Does Anbody know the record score by Rovers against Hull FC

I think we will seen this broken this week, saving themselves for the derby what a load of donkey droppings, where talking Super League here, why cant the Dullers admit there where garbage at least Sinfield did about Rhinos on Friday, mind you with Agar playing the academy team because of all the injuries they have, maybe taht was the reason men against boys what a joke, bring on thursday, cricket scores comes to mind

Author:  roversmad [ Mon Jul 12, 2010 8:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Does Anbody know the record score by Rovers against Hull FC


Author:  hull smallears [ Mon Jul 12, 2010 8:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Does Anbody know the record score by Rovers against Hull FC

bailey31 wrote:I think we will seen this broken this week, saving themselves for the derby what a load of donkey droppings, where talking Super League here, why cant the Dullers admit there where garbage at least Sinfield did about Rhinos on Friday, mind you with Agar playing the academy team because of all the injuries they have, maybe taht was the reason men against boys what a joke, bring on thursday, cricket scores comes to mind

Wakefield were lucky. We dominated the game from beginnning to end. Dominated I tell you. We are clearly the best side in the league, and are simply waiting to pounce. You'll be lucky if the scoreboard doesn't break, the amount of tries we'll rattle up.

Author:  hullbg [ Mon Jul 12, 2010 8:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Does Anbody know the record score by Rovers against Hull FC

bailey31 wrote:I think we will seen this broken this week, saving themselves for the derby what a load of donkey droppings, where talking Super League here, why cant the Dullers admit there where garbage at least Sinfield did about Rhinos on Friday, mind you with Agar playing the academy team because of all the injuries they have, maybe taht was the reason men against boys what a joke, bring on thursday, cricket scores comes to mind

Can see why you only have 5 posts :)

You go into the game as favourites and rightly so, but as any fan of either side will tell you form goes out of the window in derby games. Last year you were streets ahead of us but failed to rack up big wins in either game, cannot really see it happening on thursday either.

Author:  R.B.A [ Mon Jul 12, 2010 8:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Does Anbody know the record score by Rovers against Hull FC

Not got the potential to be a constructive Derby thread in my opinion. So.....

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