
RSG: 'An evening with...' WE WANT YOUR QUESTIONS
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Author:  HKR AWAY DAYS [ Sun Feb 14, 2010 2:07 pm ]
Post subject:  RSG: 'An evening with...' WE WANT YOUR QUESTIONS

The Rovers Supporters Group will be holding an evening with Justin Morgan and a mystery guest on Tuesday 2nd March at Ruscadors on Queen Street - 8pm start. The group would like to see as many supporters there as possible. Entry is free but donations to the cause would be greatly received at the door.

For the time being we will be advertising all RSG events on HKR AWAY DAYS and if you have any further queries you can contact Colin and Lesley McNicol, their number is on the site.

Also, Red Ramblings gives us his view on the Salford game if you have yet to read it and we have opened an Archives section to show all pictures taken from every Super League game. This is very much a work in progress but you can see the pictures from Wigan on Friday night and the pictures from our first away game last season against Bradford.

The Rovers Supporters Group will be holding an evening with Justin Morgan and a mystery guest on Tuesday 2nd March at Ruscadors on Queen Street - 8pm start. The group would like to see as many supporters there as possible. Entry is free but donations to the cause would be greatly received at the door.

For the time being we will be advertising all RSG events on HKR AWAY DAYS and if you have any further queries you can contact Colin and Lesley McNicol, their number is on the site.

Also, Red Ramblings gives us his view on the Salford game if you have yet to read it and we have opened an Archives section to show all pictures taken from every Super League game. This is very much a work in progress but you can see the pictures from Wigan on Friday night and the pictures from our first away game last season against Bradford.


Author:  Alex Mc [ Sun Feb 14, 2010 2:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: RSG: 'An evening with...'

hkrloyal wrote:The Rovers Supporters Group will be holding an evening with Justin Morgan and a mystery guest...

Joel Clinton? He seems a mysterious kind of character!

Sounds like a good evening.

Author:  HKR AWAY DAYS [ Sun Feb 14, 2010 3:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: RSG: 'An evening with...'

Gawd knows, mate. I'm not evening in the loop - I've heard of sworn to secrecy but not the lock of pandora's box! If it is I'd be rather happy with that though.

Author:  barham red [ Mon Feb 15, 2010 7:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: RSG: 'An evening with...'

[quote="Alex Mc"]Joel Clinton? He seems a mysterious kind of character!

So does Austin Powers...

I think we've got more chance of seeing Bill Clinton at the next RSG evening with.. than we have of seeing Joel.

(Here's hoping this gets book marked when he turns up and makes me look an idiot)

Author:  HKR AWAY DAYS [ Sun Feb 21, 2010 12:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: RSG: 'An evening with...'

You were saying, Barham haha!

Author:  HKR AWAY DAYS [ Wed Feb 24, 2010 10:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: RSG: 'An evening with...'


Author:  HKR AWAY DAYS [ Thu Feb 25, 2010 10:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: RSG: 'An evening with...' WE WANT YOUR QUESTIONS

If you are unable to attend please send any questions you have for Justin to editor@hkrawaydays.co.uk
If you are unable to attend please send any questions you have for Justin to editor@hkrawaydays.co.uk

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