
Season passes and Club Rovers??? Advice please
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Author:  insider knowledge [ Thu Dec 03, 2009 4:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Season passes and Club Rovers??? Advice please

Just received my new credit card/season pass but also enclosed was a leaflet and letter welcoming me as a new Club Rovers member. My season pass has a Club Rovers logo on etc. I am not a member of Club Rovers and have not paid my £60.00, so have the club inadvertantly registered me as a member? Has anyone had the same information and can they give an explanation?

Author:  General Zod. [ Thu Dec 03, 2009 8:29 pm ]
Post subject: 

As I understand it, the cards are all the same in terms of how the look but those fans who've paid the £60.00 will get the club rovers benefits triggered through the card number when it is swiped when buying shirts etc.

Author:  BlackNwhite [ Fri Dec 04, 2009 1:03 am ]
Post subject: 

General Zod. wrote:As I understand it, the cards are all the same in terms of how the look but those fans who've paid the £60.00 will get the club rovers benefits triggered through the card number when it is swiped when buying shirts etc.
what do you get for that 60 quid again? i forget? :lol:

Author:  insider knowledge [ Fri Dec 04, 2009 9:05 am ]
Post subject: 

Just an update, my mate also got the same welcome to Club Rovers details in with his season pass and he has been on line to activate it. He has not paid to join Club Rovers but went into the club shop for some Xmas pressies yesterday and they confirmed he was registered as a Club Rovers member and could have the discount! It seems some kind of technical/administration cock up has occurred when issuing passes. Mind you, we still paid £221.00 for our passes and I think it would have been £179.00 if we had joined Club Rovers "legitimately" so we are not saving that much.

Author:  very red robin [ Fri Dec 04, 2009 9:13 am ]
Post subject: 

insider knowledge wrote:Just an update, my mate also got the same welcome to Club Rovers details in with his season pass and he has been on line to activate it. He has not paid to join Club Rovers but went into the club shop for some Xmas pressies yesterday and they confirmed he was registered as a Club Rovers member and could have the discount! It seems some kind of technical/administration cock up has occurred when issuing passes. Mind you, we still paid £221.00 for our passes and I think it would have been £179.00 if we had joined Club Rovers "legitimately" so we are not saving that much.

Yes your are because your now entitled to discount on the derby and shirts...

And if you take my seat at the KC which ive already paid for by joining club rovers i will be knocking on my PC for you.


Author:  hull smallears [ Fri Dec 04, 2009 10:45 am ]
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At least there is no need to install the expensive turnstiles

Author:  SirStan [ Fri Dec 04, 2009 11:06 am ]
Post subject: 

very red robin wrote:Yes your are because your now entitled to discount on the derby and shirts...

And if you take my seat at the KC which ive already paid for by joining club rovers i will be knocking on my PC for you.


Only if you were 1 of the 1st 2,500 like me! 8)

Author:  very red robin [ Fri Dec 04, 2009 11:31 am ]
Post subject: 

The Goroka Gene-ius wrote:Only if you were 1 of the 1st 2,500 like me! 8)

I was Goroka.
And thats what im saying - if you havent even joined up but the process has gone wrong then the 1st 2500 means phish all!

Author:  C.K.R [ Fri Dec 04, 2009 12:05 pm ]
Post subject: 

very red robin wrote:I was Goroka.
And thats what im saying - if you havent even joined up but the process has gone wrong then the 1st 2500 means phish all!

in that case i would be asking for my money back, because that was one of the main reasons i became a Member.

Author:  very red robin [ Fri Dec 04, 2009 12:11 pm ]
Post subject: 

C.K.R wrote:in that case i would be asking for my money back, because that was one of the main reasons i became a Member.

Me to CKR. i will report back on my finding later tonight.

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