
No one has mentioned yet...
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Author:  meatpaste [ Mon Jul 27, 2009 10:18 am ]
Post subject:  No one has mentioned yet...

That we lost Shaun Briscoe after only 8 minutes. This meant that Ben Fisher played nearly the full 80 and that Fitz had to play full back (not his best position). Pansey wouldn't have scored if Briscoe was at full back as his positioning is far better than Fitz. I must admit I was a bit bemused when Justin left out Charlie in favour of Fitz,given that SB was just returning from injury.

Author:  Mild Rover [ Mon Jul 27, 2009 10:21 am ]
Post subject:  Re: No one has mentioned yet...

meatpaste wrote:That we lost Shaun Briscoe after only 8 minutes. This meant that Ben Fisher played nearly the full 80 and that Fitz had to play full back (not his best position). Pansey wouldn't have scored if Briscoe was at full back as his positioning is far better than Fitz. I must admit I was a bit bemused when Justin left out Charlie in favour of Fitz,given that SB was just returning from injury.

I hope you were looking for bites... :wink:

Author:  j_hunter_hkr [ Mon Jul 27, 2009 10:34 am ]
Post subject: 

As I said in another thread, considering we were playing with 16 men for the majority of the match I think Justin's interchanges were a master stroke. Specifically rotating the props and the use of Lovegrove at key points in the game.

Author:  Sandro II Terrorista [ Mon Jul 27, 2009 12:14 pm ]
Post subject: 

Thought this would be a thread about attendances and how gash the South terracing is.
Bemused that nobodies mentioned that. :?

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