
oi you lot!
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Author:  meast [ Sat Jun 06, 2009 9:50 am ]
Post subject:  oi you lot!

hello people, not here to rub it in about the result last night,i just wanted to say despite having a few digs at you lot and vice versa, i havent read any whining,moaning,bleating etc about getting beaten last night, every post i've seen from rovers fans has accepted that we were the better team and won fairly and squarely, its not often you get that on here after a defeat

so hull kr fans


Author:  Bandito [ Sat Jun 06, 2009 9:51 am ]
Post subject:  Re: oi you lot!

meast wrote:hello people, not here to rub it in about the result last night,i just wanted to say despite having a few digs at you lot and vice versa, i havent read any whining,moaning,bleating etc about getting beaten last night, every post i've seen from rovers fans has accepted that we were the better team and won fairly and squarely, its not often you get that on here after a defeat

so hull kr fans


Your looking in the wrong place, there is plenty of moaning going on :lol:

Author:  Gordon Gekko [ Sat Jun 06, 2009 9:51 am ]
Post subject:  Re: oi you lot!

meast wrote:hello people, not here to rub it in about the result last night,i just wanted to say despite having a few digs at you lot and vice versa, i havent read any whining,moaning,bleating etc about getting beaten last night, every post i've seen from rovers fans has accepted that we were the better team and won fairly and squarely, its not often you get that on here after a defeat

so hull kr fans


They can't blame Thaler this time :wink:

Author:  PONNER [ Sat Jun 06, 2009 9:54 am ]
Post subject:  Re: oi you lot!

meast wrote:hello people, not here to rub it in about the result last night,i just wanted to say despite having a few digs at you lot and vice versa, i havent read any whining,moaning,bleating etc about getting beaten last night, every post i've seen from rovers fans has accepted that we were the better team and won fairly and squarely, its not often you get that on here after a defeat

so hull kr fans

I second that

Author:  General Zod. [ Sat Jun 06, 2009 10:24 am ]
Post subject:  Re: oi you lot!

meast wrote:hello people, not here to rub it in about the result last night,i just wanted to say despite having a few digs at you lot and vice versa, i havent read any whining,moaning,bleating etc about getting beaten last night, every post i've seen from rovers fans has accepted that we were the better team and won fairly and squarely, its not often you get that on here after a defeat

so hull kr fans


Thing is, you'll find we can accept defeat graciously if we are given a fair crack by the ref which we got from Silverwood last night - to his credit cos I've been one of his biggest critics in the last few seasons.

It's just tough to accept when Thaler allowed you to get away with so much on Easter Monday yet Silverwood penalised you for the same things last night yet you still won so can't say fairer than that - the best team won without question and whilst folk will waffle on about Leeds and Saints, I personally fear Hudds over both of them because your physical style seems to do us over.

Author:  TBC [ Sat Jun 06, 2009 10:59 am ]
Post subject:  Re: oi you lot!

PONNER wrote:I second that

I'll third it. :CLAP:

Author:  Ron Weasley [ Sat Jun 06, 2009 11:11 am ]
Post subject:  Re: oi you lot!

General Zod. wrote:Thing is, you'll find we can accept defeat graciously if we are given a fair crack by the ref which we got from Silverwood last night - to his credit cos I've been one of his biggest critics in the last few seasons.

It's just tough to accept when Thaler allowed you to get away with so much on Easter Monday yet Silverwood penalised you for the same things last night yet you still won so can't say fairer than that - the best team won without question and whilst folk will waffle on about Leeds and Saints, I personally fear Hudds over both of them because your physical style seems to do us over.

Pretty-much sums it up. Hudds were worthy winners at our place too, but it doesn't mean the reffing wasn't a disgrace. I think you'll find that despite a few keyboard warriors on here, most of our fans are gracious in defeat when beaten fairly and squarely. :)

Author:  tonylRobin [ Sat Jun 06, 2009 2:57 pm ]
Post subject: 

it was always Thaler that the complaints were directed at, never Huddersfield.

i thought you were very well drilled last night. looked solid and very fit for this stage of the season.

Author:  rover49 [ Sat Jun 06, 2009 3:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: oi you lot!

meast wrote:hello people, not here to rub it in about the result last night,i just wanted to say despite having a few digs at you lot and vice versa, i havent read any whining,moaning,bleating etc about getting beaten last night, every post i've seen from rovers fans has accepted that we were the better team and won fairly and squarely, its not often you get that on here after a defeat

so hull kr fans


We didn't help ourselves with team selection, but as you say, on the night you had us sussed and did what you had to do.

Author:  RoversTrace [ Sat Jun 06, 2009 9:08 pm ]
Post subject: 

No arguments, best team on the night won.

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