
Super League tickets and Set Of Six - Touchline on Sunday
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Author:  fuzzy [ Sun May 17, 2009 7:36 am ]
Post subject:  Super League tickets and Set Of Six - Touchline on Sunday

Dave Howes and Lee Phelps discuss all things Rugby League on Sunday from 5pm on Real Radio (106 to 108FM or online at link below)

The guys are talking about the elite England training squad, the weekend's results and asking does Super League really want to be like the NRL.

The show's new competition Set Of 6 starts - six questions to answer and see how far up the leaderboard you get...

Here's how to get in touch:

Call: 0845 1062108 (we always call you back)
Text: 81068 (25p plus network charge)
Email: http://realradioyorkshire.co.uk/presenters-shows/presenters-u7rb/lee-phelps/sfnfdr9a/
Dave Howes and Lee Phelps discuss all things Rugby League on Sunday from 5pm on Real Radio (106 to 108FM or online at link below)

The guys are talking about the elite England training squad, the weekend's results and asking does Super League really want to be like the NRL.

The show's new competition Set Of 6 starts - six questions to answer and see how far up the leaderboard you get...

Here's how to get in touch:

Call: 0845 1062108 (we always call you back)
Text: 81068 (25p plus network charge)
Email: http://realradioyorkshire.co.uk/presenters-shows/presenters-u7rb/lee-phelps/sfnfdr9a/

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