
Let's voice our opinion of Dave Burns
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Author:  CHURCHILL [ Sat May 09, 2009 5:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Let's voice our opinion of Dave Burns

The Dullers are a tad upset, to the point that they are sending in complaints to the BBC to get Dave Burns removed from his position, via a similar thread on their own forum.

Well as a Rovers fan, I think he should stay, we've never had it so good, and on the same complaints page the Dullers are using to have him strung up, you can also choose to send praise. :lol:

So fellow Robins, Burns is forever a thorn in the side of the black and whites and this can only be good for the Robins.

Let's keep Burns at 95.9 BBC RADIO HULL KR. :wink:

The Dullers are a tad upset, to the point that they are sending in complaints to the BBC to get Dave Burns removed from his position, via a similar thread on their own forum.

Well as a Rovers fan, I think he should stay, we've never had it so good, and on the same complaints page the Dullers are using to have him strung up, you can also choose to send praise. :lol:

So fellow Robins, Burns is forever a thorn in the side of the black and whites and this can only be good for the Robins.

Let's keep Burns at 95.9 BBC RADIO HULL KR. :wink:


Author:  CHURCHILL [ Sat May 09, 2009 5:28 pm ]
Post subject: 

Done. :lol:

I would like to pass on my praise for the sports team at Radio Humberside, and in particular Dave Burns, the sports editor.

His knowledge of sport is second to none, and he also has a fantastic memory for old skool dance tracks, even those that had little air time, including "Smack my Bitch up" by The Prodigy.
This man surely deserves an MBE.

Author:  phil webbo [ Sat May 09, 2009 5:54 pm ]
Post subject: 

Done :lol:
I would like to offer my support for the Radio Humberside sports team, they are currently under seige by a few mindless idiots, they offer a well balanced show, and because not everything is to the liking of a few, they are conducting a smear campaign on the web pages of RL Fans.com (HULL FC) I hope this is given the time it fully deserves...NONE!!

Author:  Basil Fawlty [ Sat May 09, 2009 6:20 pm ]
Post subject: 

Dear Sir.

The lunatics are taking over the asylum so please don't concern yourselves about the dissin of the most excellent Mr Burns.

The same Hitleresque regime threw a double six when the very excellent Mr Lloyd was finger-pointed for Cookiegate.

More of the same please, oh and well done for putting DDD out to grass.


Author:  Bransholme Red [ Sat May 09, 2009 6:29 pm ]
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Burnsey is a quality presenter. Not his fault the the Dullers can't handle a bit of criticism

Author:  Bandito [ Sat May 09, 2009 6:34 pm ]
Post subject: 

David Burns is a moron. He was the one who told Bill Clinton to jizz on 'that' dress and he also does stuff to pigs that only a weirdo would do.

Author:  Basil Fawlty [ Sat May 09, 2009 6:58 pm ]
Post subject: 

Bandito wrote:David Burns is a moron. He was the one who told Bill Clinton to jizz on 'that' dress and he also does stuff to pigs that only a weirdo would do.

Thank goodness then that no one picked up on those ... but the sensitive among us found his FC discussion worthy of formal complaint 8)

By the way have you got anything to get the jizz out of my Rovers shirts I seem to be rather happy with things of lat :D :D

Author:  Bandito [ Sat May 09, 2009 7:00 pm ]
Post subject: 

Basil Fawlty wrote:Thank goodness then that no one picked up on those ... but the sensitive among us found his FC discussion worthy of formal complaint 8)

By the way have you got anything to get the jizz out of my Rovers shirts I seem to be rather happy with things of lat :D :D

Wear a condom Basil :lol:

Author:  Basil Fawlty [ Sat May 09, 2009 7:06 pm ]
Post subject: 

Bandito wrote:Wear a condom Basil :lol:

Good advice from someone with your avatar 8)

Author:  Bandito [ Sat May 09, 2009 7:09 pm ]
Post subject: 

Basil Fawlty wrote:Good advice from someone with your avatar 8)

It is about time I changed that avatar I think, too many worrying looks when I go out shopping for cucumbers and vasaline :lol:

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