
Convicted players
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Author:  rover49 [ Tue Apr 28, 2009 5:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Convicted players

So, Rovers are the only club to have the bottle to take REAL action against a player who has been found guilty in a court of law, FC swept Raynors crime under the carpet, Wire 'released' by mutual agreement and Saints 'warned' Pryce.

Rovers got a right slagging off for not sacking Cockayne by lots of fans from these clubs, who are now applauding their own clubs 'weakness' in not dealing with players who transgress in a proper manner.

Makes you wonder why Rovers didn't stick the 'V' sign up and let Ben play on.

I think we have come out on top with regards protecting the good name of the sport.

Author:  cab man [ Tue Apr 28, 2009 6:10 pm ]
Post subject: 

Yes and it would seem that topic as gone awfully quiet of late.

Author:  Digby [ Tue Apr 28, 2009 6:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Convicted players

rover49 wrote:So, Rovers are the only club to have the bottle to take REAL action against a player who has been found guilty in a court of law, FC swept Raynors crime under the carpet, Wire 'released' by mutual agreement and Saints 'warned' Pryce.

Rovers got a right slagging off for not sacking Cockayne by lots of fans from these clubs, who are now applauding their own clubs 'weakness' in not dealing with players who transgress in a proper manner.

Makes you wonder why Rovers didn't stick the 'V' sign up and let Ben play on.

I think we have come out on top with regards protecting the good name of the sport.

Seemingly so, i still think we should all follow the example set by the NRL and de-register where appropriate.

Players need hard deterants to limit their off field behaviour.

Author:  barton baird [ Tue Apr 28, 2009 6:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Convicted players

rover49 wrote:So, Rovers are the only club to have the bottle to take REAL action against a player who has been found guilty in a court of law, FC swept Raynors crime under the carpet, Wire 'released' by mutual agreement and Saints 'warned' Pryce.

Rovers got a right slagging off for not sacking Cockayne by lots of fans from these clubs, who are now applauding their own clubs 'weakness' in not dealing with players who transgress in a proper manner.

Makes you wonder why Rovers didn't stick the 'V' sign up and let Ben play on.

I think we have come out on top with regards protecting the good name of the sport.

PHEW..........thought there was going to be a thread without being mentioned.

Author:  Robintillidie [ Tue Apr 28, 2009 6:47 pm ]
Post subject: 

Would be interested to know if the RFL are going to investigate the other cases as they say they are Ben's but seeing as Pryce plays for saints they probably wont bother.

Author:  clubfoot fc [ Tue Apr 28, 2009 7:19 pm ]
Post subject: 

Robintillidie wrote:Would be interested to know if the RFL are going to investigate the other cases as they say they are Ben's but seeing as Pryce plays for saints they probably wont bother.

That's a great point.

We know what the answer will be though.

Author:  Next Best Thing [ Tue Apr 28, 2009 10:39 pm ]
Post subject: 

Don't be silly, its nowhere near the same. Pryce is a good person at heart remember and has to be applauded for his composure during such a difficult time.

In other words: "Go beat the hell out of a woman but stay strong, score a few tries and you're forgiven, well done Prycey!"

The above sounds a lot like what Mick Potter said in his recent press release.

Author:  roversmad [ Tue Apr 28, 2009 10:48 pm ]
Post subject: 

Next Best Thing wrote:Don't be silly, its nowhere near the same. Pryce is a good person at heart remember and has to be applauded for his composure during such a difficult time.

In other words: "Go beat the hell out of a woman but stay strong, score a few tries and you're forgiven, well done Prycey!"

The above sounds a lot like what Mick Potter said in his recent press release.

dont think he did that though did he? :roll:

Author:  TKOAH [ Tue Apr 28, 2009 11:20 pm ]
Post subject: 

Next Best Thing wrote:Don't be silly, its nowhere near the same. Pryce is a good person at heart remember and has to be applauded for his composure during such a difficult time.

In other words: "Go beat the hell out of a woman but stay strong, score a few tries and you're forgiven, well done Prycey!"

The above sounds a lot like what Mick Potter said in his recent press release.

So when did that happen?

Author:  Next Best Thing [ Tue Apr 28, 2009 11:54 pm ]
Post subject: 

It didn't but then you never hear the full facts do you?

After beating a door down, all Stu Reardon and Leon Pryce did was hold an arm and push a guy over? Are you serious??? I find it hard to believe they'd get convicted of assault just for that. I held a guy back when crossing the road the other day, he nearly walked out infront of a car. The grip i had on his arm must have caused some sort of bruising but i'd hardly class that as assault.

The story doesn't quite match up in my opinion. It starts by the animosity of shoulder barging a door down and then once through that door the angels start singing and they all do the okey cokey.

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