
Questions for Shaun Briscoe...
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Author:  Paul Bennett [ Tue Feb 24, 2009 10:50 am ]
Post subject:  Questions for Shaun Briscoe...


As many of you will already be aware, Shaun Briscoe has been writing a column for League Weekly for around a year now and this season he's asking fans to send in questions for him to answer as part of that column ... You can ask him anything (within reason!) whether about rugby league or not. This is open to all fans, but I figured you Robins would be most interested, so send your questions in to editor@league-weekly.com and Shaun will attempt to answer as many as he can.

League Weekly

As many of you will already be aware, Shaun Briscoe has been writing a column for League Weekly for around a year now and this season he's asking fans to send in questions for him to answer as part of that column ... You can ask him anything (within reason!) whether about rugby league or not. This is open to all fans, but I figured you Robins would be most interested, so send your questions in to editor@league-weekly.com and Shaun will attempt to answer as many as he can.

League Weekly

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