
1980 Challenge Cup Final
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Author:  wembley1980 [ Mon Feb 09, 2009 12:17 am ]
Post subject:  1980 Challenge Cup Final

Hi everyone,

I am writing a book about the above match - not particularly concentrating on the match itself - more the build up and atmosphere in the city, the players, supporters, officials point of view etc the effect it had on familys / relationships / friendships - how the city celebrated the event etc and how it effected peoples lives.

I am looking to hear from any one who has a story to tell - anything that is linked to this match - whether it is the final itself, the semi finals or the earlier rounds it doesn't matter, anything of interest would be useful.

I am also looking for research material - if anyone has anything that they think might be of use, scrapbooks, photographs, programmes, books, magazines, videos etc I would also be interested.

The book is being backed by Scratching Shed Publications and David Howes, I do not intend it to be a glorification of the greatest day in our clubs history or to get another one over on the black and whites - I would like it to be balanced and from the point of view of the city itself.

I have set up an e-mail address: challengecupfinal1980@hotmail.com

If anyone would like to contact me and / or share their story's about this historic occassion please do not hesitate to use the above adress and I will reply to you.

I look forward to your help in celebrating this wonderful moment of history.
Hi everyone,

I am writing a book about the above match - not particularly concentrating on the match itself - more the build up and atmosphere in the city, the players, supporters, officials point of view etc the effect it had on familys / relationships / friendships - how the city celebrated the event etc and how it effected peoples lives.

I am looking to hear from any one who has a story to tell - anything that is linked to this match - whether it is the final itself, the semi finals or the earlier rounds it doesn't matter, anything of interest would be useful.

I am also looking for research material - if anyone has anything that they think might be of use, scrapbooks, photographs, programmes, books, magazines, videos etc I would also be interested.

The book is being backed by Scratching Shed Publications and David Howes, I do not intend it to be a glorification of the greatest day in our clubs history or to get another one over on the black and whites - I would like it to be balanced and from the point of view of the city itself.

I have set up an e-mail address: challengecupfinal1980@hotmail.com

If anyone would like to contact me and / or share their story's about this historic occassion please do not hesitate to use the above adress and I will reply to you.

I look forward to your help in celebrating this wonderful moment of history.

Author:  Roofs [ Tue Feb 10, 2009 6:19 pm ]
Post subject: 

Don't quote me on this, but I'm pretty sure we won that one! :lol:

Joking apart best of luck with the book mate, sounds like would be an interesting read.:)

Author:  wembley1980 [ Tue Feb 10, 2009 11:24 pm ]
Post subject: 

Thanks Roofs LOL! I seem to remember the score pretty well myself.

Author:  wembley1980 [ Fri Feb 20, 2009 5:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Wembley 1980

Thanks to anyone who has responded to my request for information and memory's via me special e-mail address: challengecupfinal1980@hotmail.com

If any of you have a story to tell and have not yet shared it with me then please do so, the more the merrier.

Kind Regards
Thanks to anyone who has responded to my request for information and memory's via me special e-mail address: challengecupfinal1980@hotmail.com

If any of you have a story to tell and have not yet shared it with me then please do so, the more the merrier.

Kind Regards

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